I germinated 7 seeds. Based on how many actually make it I will keep them under the 80w in solo cups until they need replanting into the the 1 gal.when replanting into the 1 gal I will probably go down to the strongest 4 girls. When the tent is open I will take 3 into Flower and make 1 a mom.
After 42 H , 6 of 7 seeds germinated . I planted them into solo cups and have them currently under a 80w full Spectrum LED set at approximately 40%.
I placed the remaining seed back into the sandwich bag and will check on it tomorrow morning.
01-23-2023 day 2 of germination
The 7th seed has after 66 h still not sprouted. Placed it back into Sandwich bag and will check back in the morning.
01-24-2023 Day 3 of germination.
#2,#3,#4,#5 & #6 have broke the surface, #1 might be slow due to me dropping the cup with seed when i first planted them , it might have shocked the seed. #7 still has no tail.
01-25-2022 day 4 of germination
#1 has still not broken the surface, this could be because I droped the cup with seed as I was planting it. This could have stressed the seed.
#7 is still not showing and tap roots, I will try to scuff it a little later today.
The other 5 seeds are doing well. I removed the Humidity dome this morning.
01-26-2023 Day 5
#1 still has not broke the surface, # 2, #3 & #4 are the tallest of the bunch.#6 I about half the size of the first 3 and #6 is by far the smallest.
#7 I scuffed the seed yesterday morning but there is still no sign off the tap root.
Will wait until tomorrow and if there is still no root I will give up on the last seed.
01-27-2023 Day 6
#1 has decided to join the party and broke the surface overnight, but the growth seems very slow
#7 after 5 days soaking in a paper towel and 2 days after I scuffed the shell with sandpaper still has not popped its tap root. I doubt that this seed will germinate. I am going to keep it in the paper towel for a few more days to see if the seed to my surprise will germinate.
All other seedlings are doing well, #2,#3 & #4 are showing the most growth, they are just about the same height , while #5 seems as if it was stunned and is growing very slowly.