hello plant lovers this week as I already expected there was a bomb growth. its full flowering has just started, I inverted the lights by placing the 300w further down the grow, gaining more space for the 100w module that I placed in front of it, the plants held water well even though now I have 30watt input plus 15w under the mokum tulip in last week's defoliation tidied up the grow room and now the stems are struggling to get their light I'm still at 18 out of 24 but I think I'll increase every few days and give full power to 24 hours I'll wait another four days before turning up the lights these little girls are still hungry to grow and the main led satisfies placed higher up is satisfying everyone today I removed a few leaves the space has now become a real jungle but whatever happens I'm happy of the LST results the smell is still very low I hope they don't explode but I already know that something will happen this week in this case I will be ready to tie the tips to the structure of the grow. good continue a kiss
ti faccio i complimenti di nuovo ok zio!!! se un maestro del topping, Lst taglia tutto come faccio anche io. Bella la vita eh!!! 😎 buon proseguimento, buon lavoro Brò, vado a visitare un altro diario alla prossima settimana. 👊
@Wind_Weed,you are too strong brother !!!! I love training plants and I always like to put them to the test, have you seen my grow? I hope the vigor of the cannabis is noticeable. in my country we say, in small barrels there is good wine. I hope this also happens to my jar. I saw that you cultivate a lot of dutch passion I love the strains you cultivate, have a good week