Received 3 Auto Cinderella Jack seeds from Dutch Passion. Only wanted to start 2 seeds. Both germinated successfully. 1 seedling died from most likely my own error. Had to emergency germinate extra seed, and had success in 2 days with hydrogen peroxide and cutting seed with sharp knife. Cinderella 1 has a head start on Cinderella 2. Both have different soil composition.
@Dolfom, Thank you for catching that. That is a error, they are receiving 18 hours of light. I notice they start to wilt, or go to sleep in the evening, so I think they do not want as much light. They perk up again in the morning. Cheers. 😁
Bonjour, j ai eu le même problème avec une graine de Blue Bullet auto qui ne sortait pas et était pas loin de mourir, et en fait, elle a poussée moins que les autres mais le résultat sèche en ce moment. Bon courage pour la suite 👍