
m0use's Seedsman - Peyote WiFi CBD

a year ago
weeks 3, 6
weeks 5-7
weeks 7
Pro-Mix HP Biostimulant Mycorrhizae
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 7
18 hrs
Light Schedule
14+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
m0use m0use
a year ago
***Sponsored Grow*** = Medic || || Grow = ***Sponsored Grow*** Ok, so bigger news this week, I got rid of one of the plants in the tent as it was an auto vs fast flower :/ and I performed a bunch of LST and some Defoliation to all the plants. This plant did not need a lot of defoliation if any at all. I just trimmed some of the lower nodes off as they would not get all that much light once it started to stretch and tied back some of its branches so it was a bit more even. The growth pattern on this plant vs the others in the tent this aorund is completely different. its so floppy and bendy, I have a feeling I am going to need to break a lot of branches come flower time to keep it from sky rocketing to the top of the tent. This will be the last week they are in Veg and switching to flower cycle next week with a 12/12 photoperiod. I was going to try a 13/11 but I wanted to test out the automatic light functions on the Medic Grows Minisun-2, So this will be relieved next week. Been having issues with PH in the medium again and some nutrient uptake. I am thinking I will switch to another brand I have to use up, trip tonic from my last grow on the balcony. Its a bit more complex and not as easy as mix into water and feed but I think its going to help me solve a lot of the issues I am getting. Given this update is a few days late some of these pics are not from today. the clones in the photos above are from the beginning of the week when I potted them up. They have not done well at all and may not make it. can only hope for the next few weeks they pull through. Till next week. ***Sponsored Grow*** Official Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: Growdiaries:
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Grow Questions
m0usestarted grow question a year ago
I have turned it on & off again but WiFi will not work! Do you know if their is a paring button somewhere on it? It has a firmware update, but I can't do this without WiFi and there is no Ethernet port to hardwire it, Seedsman has been of no help troubleshooting.. Cheers, m0use
Other. General questions
Other. Other
Plant. Other
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Theiaanswered grow question a year ago
You need dongle. $ 20. Special price.

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m0useweek 4
Shout out to @MedicGrowLED + @Seedsman Thank for supplying the Lights and Seeds to make this happen!
gottagrowsometimeweek 4
Just lookin at those lights. They have their own timers.?
@gottagrowsometime, that they do, its got options for setting up an on/off automatically on them or you can just bypass it and have always on. It starts the countdown timer when you first adjust it, so need to set it at the start of the cycle, then can forget it. It will count down and manage itself. Great option if you don't want/have external timers. I myself don't like a clicking sound of the manual ones. Only use digital ones now. never looked back.
eurorackweek 13
Looking good. Have things got that bad that you have to watermark your photos?
@eurorack, I find enough money on the street that I don't care to put that much effort into it. plus I'm not great at photoshop or anything. This is good info for the ones who are more savvy with the camera and photo editing tools though. Thanks again for sharing.
@m0use, Yeah its a few cents a photo (Sometimes a few Dollars), you've got to get through the approval process and your photos need to be pretty spot on. I've had all sorts of stuff there for years, its a lot of work initially as you have to edit the photos to be the best they can be, add Keywords and descriptions in the EXIF data contained in the jpg. Everything I did was years and years ago but I guess I make a bit of 'shits & giggles' money about every 3 months or a $100 or so, all without me lifting a finger now.
@eurorack, O yea??? is it good income? The person who writes the journal articles on the site also said I should look into that. I did not think it was really worth any time or money unless I was going hundreds/thousands of em. like a few cents on a photo?
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Billyandbarbweek 12
Hey mate. Those little white larva is exactly what i had ! I threw out my whole hydro versa grow due to not being able to get rid of them by h202. They were in my res and I imagine in my clay. What's the deal with them? Are they harmful?
@@@Billyandbarb, they stay the same size, its their adult form, thrips are like it but they attack the leaves, springtails stay in the medium and you will not see them on the plants like thrips. springtails just grow in numbers if there is lots of moisture and food. gnat larva will turn into gnats so if no gnats not likely gnat larva. You prob had springtails. I also has them in my Blue Cindy diary & have a better photo of them on week 12. I'd post a link but then GD spam filter bans me.
@m0use, I'm almost certain thG is what I had are what you've got. To the naked eye they were just like little white specs and they shoot around quick. Usually in small groups jumping from one group to the next. Do springtails stay small and remain like that or do they form into something bigger later on? I do not think mine were gnat larva as I have not had any gnats in about 7 months about 3 runs back now
@@Billyandbarb, they are mostly harmless, there are called springtails and they eat decaying organic matter, it is said its a sign of a good medium if you have them and they are a even better sign in your compost. That is if they are indeed the same ones as your res. They are super small n jump around very hard to see with naked eye, need a magnifying glass or macro lens to identify them. Some say they eat the roots of plants when they run out of food but from what I briefly read that was a bit of information taken out of contest from a study about them. If I recall correctly one species of springtails did show signs they will eat the roots of a specific pine tree sapling or juvenile tree, but that was it not other plants and only that subspecies of springtail. Gnat larva looks similar but are different and can be destructive.
Coopmcweek 6
CBD woot woot!!
@Coopmc, always a good thing to do. Plants and Life, growing toward a better future :D
@m0use, Growing
@Coopmc, its been so long! how you doing?
gottagrowsometimeweek 12
Which one is the CBD. Have some of these. Gonna do one soon.
@gottagrowsometime, if your looking at the main tent pics from left to right: ->->->->-> #1 Seedsman Peyote WiFi CBD 2:1 ratio #2 Seedstockers CBG Zerodue #4 Kannabia Pineapple Dream LE #5 Emerald Triangle Seeds Black Berry OG CBD 3:1 ratio ->->->->-> #3 "harvested not in the images" Dinafem Dinamed Quick CBD, this was the fast flower that turned auto on me. :/ ->->->->->
gottagrowsometimeweek 8
Have this 1 myself. Will be running when it gets out of summer. Look forward to seen your results.
@gottagrowsometime, its a droopy gal, I kinda like its weird growing pattern I think that will make it ideal for outdoors with lots of support good air movement between nodes. I also have a feeling it is going to stretch like a MOFO in the next few weeks and become all floozy and dumb in the tent. Will need to get a tomato cage on it or something lol.