She appears to have recovered nicely from being repotted and the new growth appears green and healthy.
I’ve increased her base nutrients and added some Canna Boost at 1ml/ltr to her mix.
Removed a couple of leaves blocking potential bud sights.
Happy with how everything looks, until next time 🌱💚
Same old fems. Take ages and do be stuck in limbo when flipping. I hate that.
You should check out the IR/UV45 which cuts the flip waiting time by at least 50-70%. It increases the time you can do flowering times is 13.5-10.5 on/off.
The flip happens so much faster.
Oh no, I'm sorry. I hope you can find a way to put it to good use...dislike seeing it go to complete waste after all your work. Good luck with the rest of your adventures.