I’m doing 6 different Mephisto seeds this run. 3 freebies and 2 Artisinals and an Original....Well, this failed. I had to replant all the seeds, I believe due to using old soil to germinate in. Dumb mistake but I learned from it. I didn't have all the same seeds so I ended up with a Twenty20 Cosmo and a Night Owl SSB3 that I found while trimming my SSB3 run.
@@StinkyBudz, Thanks! I don't use humidity domes, but I do cover the seeds with Grove bags to block the light, I have the lights on for temp control. Once they pop I remove the bag and let em fly.
I recycle my soil and I germinate directly in the substrate. But, I use GHE trio, so the soil's pretty pumped already. Did you use humidity domes? Alright, better luck on this one.
#MephClubUSA Good luck on your grow!
@@StinkyBudz, Thanks! I don't use humidity domes, but I do cover the seeds with Grove bags to block the light, I have the lights on for temp control. Once they pop I remove the bag and let em fly.