Going well so far. Still no deficiencies or pest issues. Fed compost tea and some cal-mag today. They have stretched quite a bit. The girl in the seven gallon pot has exceeded the 5 gallon pot by an inch at this point. Where in weeks prior she was a little smaller. Mostly pulled out and tied down to the rings now. Another week of stretch to go and by my next post should be seeing signs of buds forming. I have pruned the last of any growth tips aside from what will remain through flower. Everything left is right up top. The last update was from the day I changed the light schedule. I hope these bulk up from here like I want.
@LittleBigTrees,thanks!! It’s my second run of the strain. It turned out fantastic. Tastes just like it smells. Fruity and amazing. These are clones so hoping they will do just as well as the first one. Prepping a seed plant for outdoor as well. It’s in week 5 of veg now and will go out first of June. So far I am quite impressed with the strain.