stupendo. un giorno anche io avrò una giungla. per il momento mi accontento di 4 ò 5 piante alla volta. Top Brò sei un punto di riferimento per queste nuove reclute.... 💪😎👍
@gottagrowsometime, Hahaha thanks for the comment 🙌
i kinda fkup with the EC i overused nutrients and got my plants little bit crispy leafs and didn't do scrog.. but next time i will fix myself and listen to more experianced growers 😀
but overall the buds got massive and the flower tasty 😎
Have you given any of your plants cal-mag mate ? I think they are screaming for some food by the looks of some of them and there purple stems ! Cheers happy growing
@Weedpixels,Thanks for the positive feedback 🙏 i really appreciate it!
im always focused to learn new stuff and improve myself 😀
Also your diaries are amazing man god damn you rocking!!!