A lot of experimenting going on with these guys. Didn’t play to make a journal but I figure why not let someone else learn from my experience. I’ve tied each plant as flat as possible. With LST. The Defoliation helps with see how you want to set the “stage” for the plants growth structure. Also really helps under growth reach better heights and get better lighting. Feeling calmg every watering but nutrients off one week on another.
@Dadasgrow, yeah these gals started as branches. Their mother was started from seed back in November of 2017. I cut them back in February and been working with them ever since. Seeing how long I could keep two stains in flower and how long revegging takes to complete(one of my clones never switched to vegging) and how it effects the clones lives. A lot of experimenting. It’s been fun. Good luck with yours buds buddy.