(2/24) - 24hrs in cup of water
(2/25) - moved to paper towel method. Not soaked, just damp. Between two cruets and places on top of heater vent. Temp maintained between 70-78 degrees
(2/25) - no taproot yet
(2/26) - no taproot yet
(2/27) - still no taproot, tonight I'll try praying
(2/28) - still no taproot, sang it a song to make it feel more comfortable coming out
(3/1) - it really doesn't want to be a plant, still no taproot.
(3/4) I'll give it one more day
(3/5) ok one more day
(3/6) ok really one more chance
(3/7) I'll just leave it in the cruets and check on it periodically when I remember it's there while I tend to my other plants that tried harder.
(3/21) welp, I have officially given up and throw it in the garbage