Things went well this week. The crasher is doing really good. It grows the biggest fan leafs out of everything in the tent. One of the more crystallized plants in the with a sweet fruity smell to her. Crasher and gush are by far the two biggest plants in the tent. Nice size buds forming can’t wait for them to fill out.
As for the Apple gusher it’s doing great. It has a mild sour fruit smell not as much sugar on the leafs as the rest of the tent. but coming along nicely. Thinking about defoliation one more time middle and bottom are really thick and not a lot of light penetrating. Till next week.
@DeepWaterGrower,yes you’re right there. But I was so tired a couple times instead of mixing nutes I just gave them some water. And it best thing to do at the time but didn’t help them overall. But not bad enough too not bounce back.
@Loadinglogs, as long as you give little you can always recover easily, despite an excess of nutrients can be difficult to recover. You're doing great!