humidity and temperature rised a lot on march 7th, up to 29ºC and 93% humidity level, thankfully plants aint get so affected for it, Its average rounds 24ºC 65% humidity with lights on, 18ºC 85% humidity with lights off. All Gas OG #2 never found its way out, #1 seems a bit asimetrical, cant complain since they are promo seeds but persian pie seems to be more reliable. Plants were irrigated only with water 2 times (march 4th and 7th) 500ml for the 6 pots, (5.69 to 5.77 Ph, 121 to 137 ppm) until today (11th) they drank 100ml each, with terra leaves, rootbastic and silic boost today (5.9 Ph, 327ppm). they aint spitted enough to check earth's EC.