
Watermelon zkitles #1

Approved by Barney's Farm
a year ago
Room Type
weeks 3-5
weeks 6-7
weeks 8, 10, 13
Soil Reclame
Grow medium
Worm casting
Grow medium
Grow medium
Build-a-soil Craft Blend
Grow medium
Grow medium
26 L
Pot Size
0.53 L
Germination Method
Directly In Substrate
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 20%
Watermelon Zkittlez Auto
Avg. success
Barney's Farm - 92%
Watermelon Zkittlez Auto - 97%
Commented by
Jimmy_Jankens Jimmy_Jankens
2 years ago
-3/5/23 Diary Start -3/5/23 --foreword: this is 1 of 4 auto flower plant started at the same time. This is the first time I have tried growing auto flower cannabis. --Soil: used reclame soil form previous plants mixed with more worm casting and perlite, the Buildasoil Craft Blend and buildabloom was used as soil amendments. --put into soil about a centimeter or two under surface, tried to get it in the middle of the pot. Soil received about a letter of water before inserting seed and then a light misting of the top. -3/8/23 Well I put cover crop in the soil and it has started growing, making weird fluffy pockets under the surface. Also I feel like its going to make it hard to tell when the cannabis seed starts sprouting. -3/9/23 watered the top with about 10 oz. cover crop is growing faster than expected and is making it hard to identify the cannabis seedling, if it has even sprouted yet. -3/11/23 still can't tell if the cannabis seed has sprouted, cover crop is doing well. Will keep checking every day and when I can see the cannabis seedling I will start week one. -3/13/23 still cant spot the cannabis, sprayed with just enough water to make the top layer of soil most. -3/17/23 well still couldn't spot the cannabis seed sprouting. Removed the cover crop that was growing in the center and added new soil, then new seed of the same type was added. Sprayed the surface with water and put back under the light. -3/22/23 still can not confirm that the cannabis has sprouted, there is a seedling that is poking through the soil that still has its casing on it. It may be the one I'm looking for, will check again tomorrow. -3/23/23 the seedling that was in question yesterday was in fact the cannabis, cover crop seedlings around it were pulled to give space. -3/25/23 doing okay, now has is spade leaves but they look like they may be showing signs of nutrient deficiency. Spade leaf tips are light green, rest of the seedling look fine. Will be watching for problems in the next few days, may give some added nutrients if it looks like it is getting worse. -3/25/23 Week End
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fimar420commentedweek 15a year ago
enjoy your Grow! looks great
Herbz_Unkrautcommentedweek 02 years ago
good luck with this project & happy growing! 🌿
love_2_growcommentedweek 02 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱