May 4 / Week 9 of flowering
Finally I got nice pictures of this beauty.. my friend got by my house and I show them this monster and he was amazed by the colors of this plant.
I think that is harvest days are coming, I am still thinking to let her go for about two weeks more maybe..
This past weeks where full full of water for her... Maybe like 50 liters or more..
May 16 / Week 11 of flowering
I am not being allow to add more weeks by the app.. but.. I will upload here the updates of this monster.
She's still finishing her blooming, I was going to cut her, but It was going to be a big mistake.. now the buds are really really dense and get a better shape.. I am really amazed by this plant, and still her red pistils.. I will have some seed of this plant.. I will sure love to share to Argentina Community , but also will surely keep at least ten of this seeds. hahaha
Lots of water, but not to often, today I will give her lots lots of water.. and will prepare her to the harvest.. I think that she could manage two weeks more.. but will see..
Maybe, I will crop some buds today, to see what up..
@mjumbo, claro! Las Terrazas son calurosas y le da el sol fuerte, es normal que se sequen más rápidas, yo dentro de la carpa tuve 36 grados y si no regaba todos los días se achicharraban las hojas jajaaja.
Y creo que está Perfecto eso que decís, con diferencia de una semana es casi nada lo que le das, yo llegue a fertilizar riego por medio con dosis bajas pero siempre midiendo la EC del drenaje para controlar que no me esté pasando, pero como planificaste vos esta Perfecto, el trico+ son hongos 🍄 mas melaza. Así que no corres el riesgo de sobre fertilizar. Si tenes algún estimulador de floración tipo el shanti o el big one vas a notar una diferencia en las flores. Dale para delante que eso viene de 10!!!
@JuanHaze_Arg, thanks bro!
I will apply Flora Booster and I also have Top Candy by Top crop.
I am pretending to add for example by the end of this week some Flora Booster and tricomas two days later.
And wait like for a week and then apply Top Candy, not too much. Equal to Flora booster, I am not trying to add too much nutrients.
Muchas gracias hermano!
La verdad que vienen bien, te comento es una de las segunda veces que utilizo la terraza y a veces necesitan mucha agua pero vienen a pleno.
Lo que si como te decia, tenia pensado ponerle FloraBooster este fin de semana y al otro dia ponerle trico mas, no en mucha concentracion. De esa forma seria como que la primera semana le puse Oro negro, no mucha concentracion, luego a la semana floora boster con tricomas, y esperar una semana y ponerle Top candy.
Que te parece?