-5/21//23 Start of Week
--Week 9/Flower 3
-5/21/23 (Day 64/Flower 15)
--Observations: still clustered, hard to see under the shade leaves
--Changes: started giving nutrients in waterings, added molasses to watering (today only)
--Comments: don't really know what it looks like under the canopy because of how clustered everything is. started giving nutrients in watering along with spraying twice daily, will stop spraying at the end of flower week 4. doing heavy defoliation at the end of this week, excited to see what it looks like under the canopy.
-5/27/23 (Day 70/Flower 21)
--Observations: large quantity of bud nodes revealed by defoliation
--Changes: heavy defoliation, repositioned some guiders
--Comments: this experimental grow style is doing far better than I expected. heavy defoliation revealed a sea of pre-flower beneath the canopy, far exceeding my expectations of what could not be seen before. moved some of the guiders to help with spacing of smaller branches so that everything get good lighting. sent is still mild and hard to distinguish from the lemon basil, should get stronger within the next few weeks.
-5/27/23 End of Week
Nice buds growmie :)
We really appreciate you sharing your grow experience and hope that you enjoyed our Purple Lemonade Fastflowering.
Have a good one
@Fast_Buds, I did enjoy the consumption of this plant, I'm just still upset that on the original end date for the fast flower contest there was 60 days added to the duration of the contest. This plant would have had enough time to fully finish if the contest end date was originally what it is now.