Hi guys, thanks for reading my report!
This is my first grow. I'm growing in a 60x60x140cm (2x2x3.5ft). I've received 4 Moby Dick clones and slapped them in there. 4 is a bit too much for ScrOG but also a bit too few for SOG, but I decided to go ahead with a ScrOG + LST anyway. It will get cramped in there but what can you do 😂
The Growlight I will be using is made by a small central European manufacturer called Horizon; I guarantee that if you're not from that specific region, you won't have heard of it. Even in Europe they're largely unknown, but it was recommended by friends. All that you need to know is that it's a 200W LED light with full spectrum and high quality LEDs! I will probably add another 60W cheap Blurple growlight to add more emphasis on certain light spectrums, but all my knowledge comes from reading up on the matter and speaking with friends, so I'll have to go through my own experience!
I'll be using 11L square pots and using the Plagron brand as my neutrients. There's a lot of opinions about Plagron but they're definitely not bad; They're rather unknown in the USA but are one of the most well-known brands in Europe.
I've been trying to confirm my E-Mail to finally be able to answer&chat but growdiaries.com just doesn't send me the confirmation E-Mail, I will troubleshoot that later/another time.
Thanks in advance for your visit and have fun!