So, my fellow green thumbs, remember that plants, just like us, have their own swagger and style. Whether you're a laid-back cactus or an energetic sunflower, embrace your unique growth journey and reach for the stars. 🌱✌️
@deFharo, Hey, thanks for dropping that knowledge! Diatomaceous earth to the rescue against those sneaky slugs and snails, huh? Much respect for looking out, and keep those gardening gems coming!
@Ottoabensberg, Grüße in die Heimat.
ich nutze lehmigen Waldboden 50% und und der Rest ist Coco und Perlite zum Auflockern und als Wasserspeicher.
Der Waldboden ist ideal solange Wasser Zu- und Abfluss gesichert ist. Bin gespannt auf das Terpenprofil!
@DutchPassion_Official, thanks, mate! I'll put on my gardening hat and get ready to witness some epic plant gains. Wishing you all the luck and fun in your green endeavors. Keep rocking that green thumb. Stay cool and keep it swaggy! 😎🌿