cruising thru the first week of flower! not much to report on really. Main focus was pruning this week to remove sucker branches and choose the main tops for flower. next week i will do a more fine tuned prune where i will start removing 1’s and 2’s on branches along with some light defoliation. i can tell these girls are going to need a support system so ive opted for a trellis system. Ive built the structure but am currently waiting on receiving trellis in the mail.
watering around every 3 days or so. ph 6.5 and temp at least 65 F. water is from an under sink water filtration system. never use tap water.
going to be top dressing bio-live at 2 tbsp per gal in the next couple days when i can get around to it. 1 top dressing lasts about 4 weeks so two top dressings for flower. if i had compost/ worm castings i would add but hydro shop is shut down currently.
lights are at 30 percent intensity, will be upping as the weeks go on.
@PersonalSmok3s, thanks homie🤙🏼 its all dried and jarred up! out of town currently so when i get back ill be sure to post some pics. ended up with over 2 lbs and smokes absolutely fantastic👌🏼
Looks like you've got this grow dialed in! Is Dr. Earth the only amendment you're currently using? Clean looking set up. Very nice! Can't wait to see the final buds! Great Genetics
@ToastFarmer, thanks homie much love! And at the moment, yes the dr earth is the only amendment im running. however, the soil im running (called michigan made mix) come pre-charged with some amendments already. But i find that M3 alone is not sufficient enough to feed so I add in 2 tbsp per gal bio-live to the mix before planting. Then i re-amend every 3-4 weeks at 2 tbsp per gal as well. I typically use worm castings or compost too but i havent been able to get my hands on any quality product where i’m at so i’ve been going without. However, i do go to my local forests and will collect soil rich in organic matter to add in its place. Its also a key component in how I make the JMS.