D32 for Grapefruit ending week 4 and starting week 5
D21 for GG XL ending week 2 and starting week 3
Watered GG XL with ~1ml/500ml BioGrow + Rain water. Left Grapefruit since the meter still indicated root-level was moist and the top layer is still wet.
Watered Grapefruit with 1L/~1ml Bio-Grow for start of week 5
Watered GG XL with 500ml/~0.25ml Bio-Grow for start of week 3 - both soil layers were low-moist to almost dry and meter confirmed the same for the bottom layer. Rain water used as usual from a collection tank, working better than tap water and de-Cl'ed tap water.
ULST: Ultra Low Stress Training: If you look at the bud site leaves being overtaken by the older, deficient fan leaves they're blocking the bud sites. We can use the apical dominance and natural leaf strucuture to tuck the fans down and let the new cola leaves get more light without harming the plant or pruning/HST/defoliation.
Grabbed some pots and tray for microgreens and cooking herbs, left to right: Sparkle Radish, Mystic Lemon Thyme (1st from left), Tricolour Sage (2nd from left), bottom row is Smokey Bronze Fennel, and next to it is Gold Origanum. 20lt pots + standard potting soil w/Rainwater ~1.0l 2ml BioDyne
09/07: Moved the herbs outside, Radishes stay inside. The fennel had aphids on it and it has been super overcast so I didn't see them until today, unfortunate but rather better they stay outdoors until I can harvest some or plant them somewhere permanent in the future...
Evening 09/07: There were some leaves showing very early signs of leaf septoria, sprayed down the door of the tent with a mix of 40 volume ~5ml H2O2/300ml De-Cl'ed H20, wiped and sprayed the floor down and the floor cover inside the tent.
I've cut off the infected leaves so hopefully this doesn't put too much stress on the Grapefruit but the FastBuds blogs/documentation says it's fine, experienced with botany since I was young so the 20% rule was intuition and it turned out to be the perfect amount to get more airation over the leaves and bud sites. I've moved the little fan and discovered it actually swivels (RTFM) to point towards the canopy without beating the stems and leaves down at all, RAM stuff is excellent 5/5 will definitely recommend (not paid).
13/07: Infected C.Septoria leaves are gone, new leaves are looking good. There's still a slight Mg deficiency showing in the old fan leaves but looking at new leaves they're a healthy shade of green. If there's any deficiency in Mg I'll get Epsom Salts ASAP.
18/07: Pistil and Stigma sites forming on GG XL, coming to the end of week 5 with her soon. :)
20/07: GG XL looking beautiful
Is there anyway I can avoid this besides keeping it wet and pressed down until stronger roots form? I'm worried about the root structure and stress if I have to keep pressing it into the soil...
White spots/lesions growing on stem base but not on leaves or anywhere else?
This started within the last 1-3 days.
The stem "splitting" on the skin was present since it was sagging and bounced back fine.
Worried this is mold/infection from soil. Packed more soil onto the top (!)
Looked at the leaves and did some research, either this is just a normal process where the plant tries to grow extra roots or it's mildew. Either way I think I'll dial down from 2 cups of water in the morning to just 1 once the soil has dried out today/tomorrow. Over/underwatering has possibly led to stem sagging + slow growth so next time I'm investing in Autopots or watering less often + small amounts...
Wow the girls are biiig! Good work! I love the pistil hairs! They are gonna be nice, fat and tasty! I'd love to see how the gorilla girl plays out, because i am thinking about growing some “sweet seeds"-beans next. 🇪🇦
@delta_420, Haha can relate to the little tracking laziness and the leap of faith for the beginning. But for me it turned out as such a fun and rewarding hobby (and nerve wrecking from time to time), i really love to grow, both as a grower and to grow some tasty buds. 😊
And i love to learn from the other growers here, so thank you very much for sharing! Good luck for a strong finish on this grow! Nothing beats the first smoke of your own homegrown buds!
@Herbie101, thanks! First time I've done a "proper" grow so to speak for med + personal use. Took a very expensive leap of faith but it's paying off. I've been a little bit lazy tracking metrics and temps etc since the battery died in my hygrometer but got it fixed. The GG XL is packing on the pistils and size too, outgrowing the Grapefruit. They both took to my n00b growing mistakes super well, lack of soil and nutes, over/underwatering but bounced back really well. I've started giving them both two extra sets of Acti-Vera and Bio-Bloom for flower and to get rid of the leaf miners but as she gets frosty leaves and the resin packs on pests etc don't survive long :) Out of curiousity, rubbing the leaves has this super sweet fruity smell, gg xl has this amazing earthy, gluey typical gorilla glue smell which is yum. Can't wait for harvest, the leaves on the GG XL are bigger than my hand, it's awesome seeing the indica-leaning pheno! :)