Day 1 vegetation 🌱😎
Girls are now planted in the bed ,
8 of 10 sprouted ,
I made this hugelkultur on last minute as i got inspired here on GD 😁
i made the following layers :
1. 5 Bigger branches on the bottom
2. Small branches
3. Basic soil
4. Home made compost
5. Quality substrate + mikoryza
6. Home made compost
7. Quality substrate + mikoryza
8. Basic soil
Just after i finished it, nice rain came over so it got soaked verry well .
It was sitting just 2 weeks before planting and i realize the compost is fresh and may be too acidic at this time , but i will try it anyway. I plan to use it next year too.
Lets see in a week or two.
------ update after a week
Bad news , girls didnt make it. Like completly , not even a sign of plant , stem, root ..
Im not so surprised , because the weather was crazy , temps hitting 30c and more. The spot is even more hot in a middle of a field like that.
Right next day after planting a few hours long hailmstorm came in , and in 2 days again.
Good news , i bought them with promo , buy one get one free , so i will give it one more shot right away 😁😎
------ 24/6/23
Germination count 9 of 10 ,
overall 17 of 20 👍
Today i planted the seeds to the pots so we got better chance 😁 , the fresh bed will be too acidic so they at least have a base of fine soil , as im counting with loses i put 2 seeds per pot .
----- 28/6/23
its been 4 days after planting and its going well , i started them on balcony and tomorrow i should finally have some free time to take them to the spot 😎👍