She's smelling pretty good impressed a little bit amended couple tablespoons of banana powder deep to break down let's see some exploded growth 7 gallon pot.
@gottagrowsometime, Your definitely right, It could be a runt, I do not think I am going to run plastic pots anymore probably fabric when I can. The 4 gallon fabric pots is what I want it's the heat it is stressing them I think, The soil gets so hot in the 🌞 sun all day in plastic pots, I felt the soil it was as hot as it can get to scare me and it wilted a seedling then I found out first time for me to notice, For now I'm running it in a partial shady area tell it gets little bigger towards flower.
I'm pulling all the strains down they got pollinated and I don't think anyone wants to see such a terrible grow I'll keep Gorilla Zkittlez posted for now. I apologize 😟 to everyone I want to do a good grow for the genetics Im growing Fast Buds is awesome and I wish I could write a harvest review at least a few more some time I can.