@gottagrowsometime, Your definitely right, It could be a runt, I do not think I am going to run plastic pots anymore probably fabric when I can. The 4 gallon fabric pots is what I want it's the heat it is stressing them I think, The soil gets so hot in the 🌞 sun all day in plastic pots, I felt the soil it was as hot as it can get to scare me and it wilted a seedling then I found out first time for me to notice, For now I'm running it in a partial shady area tell it gets little bigger towards flower.
This BangerGeneticsFarm account is not really active anymore, I'm not able to take it down due to losing the email along with the associated email including my old social media accounts due to phone failure.
I'm pulling all the strains down they got pollinated and I don't think anyone wants to see such a terrible grow I'll keep Gorilla Zkittlez posted for now. I apologize 😟 to everyone I want to do a good grow for the genetics Im growing Fast Buds is awesome and I wish I could write a harvest review at least a few more some time I can.