8/7/23 tap root had gotten to around an inch long when checked at 7am, these fast bud seeds seem to germinate so quickly it surprises me every time, put straight into solo cup filled with biobizz light mix and misted the top and put plastic dome over it.
9/7/23 came home from work at 6pm and there she was out of soil around half an inch long, this girl seems to be so quick at everything so far, fastbuds have got the genetics bang on with this one. Just keeping top of soil misted and done over the cup.
11/7/23 this girl isn’t holding back nearly 2 inches long when checked today.
14/7/23 got to hand it to fastbuds this one has been sat on my kitchen window ledge as the weather outside hasn’t been ideal and has still took off like a rocket. She’s around 3 inches tall and nice green colour to leaves, just starting on proper leaves today. Will be staying on the window sill until next Thursday as the Uk weather as can be expected isn’t really summer. Will be mixing some coffee grounds into her water to try and nudge her with nitrogen. Hoping to transplant to final pot when the weather picks up.