SuperSilverHazecommentedweek 18a year ago
I grew this once and agree to everything mentioned here. I tend always keep the plants quite long in veg cause I think that the stronger the plant is the better the end result will be.
Only thing I regret is that I tried to make oil of it... It was so incredibly sticky, and I thought it was was a good idea. But damn it turned out to be wax... So sticky wax and I have used it only once in a while on joint paper... Just yesterday put one seed for germination, this time I keep it as it is - a beautiful purple colored flower buds.
It's very tough tho - there's too many appealing strains and I have a hard time to figure out which I want to grow continuesly.
I'm growing now: Peanut Butter, Money Maker, SLH, Sharlotte's ANGEL - CBD (which seems to be dropping off due its low yielding).
Next batch that are in veg: Harlequin - CBD, Money Maker, Big Bang.
I should have three tent so I could keep mother plants...
Happy growing everyone!
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