The girls are finishing strong 💪 Smells are incredible, frost is frosty… the colours are amazing, lots of deep red, purples ❤️ I’m watching daily now, looking with my wireless hand held microscope , it makes it pretty easy to determine when I want to harvest. Typically I wait for 10-15 % amber, but I think I will try to harvest this with mostly cloudy. I’ve learned that he plant will continue the process, even after the plant has been cut down.
No nutes this week, and the plant has been continuing to use up its leftovers. My PPM runoff has been very low after watering, right where I want to be, doing this method in the past has allowed me to to keep nutrients going for them, and not have to cut off in week 6 or later. Just a gradual tapering, until I am able to run straight phd water for at least 2-4 feeds before harvest. They are very close and will be coming down within the next 7 days
Wow buddy!! super nice buds
What an amazing grow so far - good job and well done 🤝
Happy Growing & cant wait for your upcoming weeks 🌱
Cheers, Bud Boutique 👩🌾