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Cookies Gelato - RQS Grow

a year ago
Grow Conditions
Week 4
18 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
10+ conditions after
Commented by
Dufftwt Dufftwt
a year ago
Day 21: We are the 28th of august 2023 Didn't feed today as to not stress the plant too much. Day 22: We are the 29th of august 2023 Changed the juice mix today! Calmag 0.75ml/L; Canna Coco A&B 1ml/L input pH 6.18 input EC 667 input ppm 333 Day 23: We are the 30th of august 2023 Calmag 0.75ml/L and Canna Coco A&B 1.0ml/L input pH 6.17 input EC 674 input ppm 337 output pH 6.43 output EC 782 output ppm 392 Day 24: We are the 31st of august 2023 Calmag 1ml/L and Canna Coco A&B 1.0ml/L input pH 6.13 input EC 715 input ppm 358 output pH 5.94 output EC 816 output ppm 410 Today I raised the lights at the maximum and the leaves were pointing up which is so good since I noticed some slight light burn, also adjusted humidity Day 25: We are the 1st of september 2023 Calmag 1ml/L and Canna Coco A&B 1.0ml/L input pH 5.83 input EC 707 input ppm 352 output pH 6.44 output EC 793 output ppm 397 Day 27: We are the 3rd of september 2023 Calmag 1ml/L and Canna Coco A&B 1.0ml/L input pH 6.19 input EC 738 input ppm 369 output pH 6.22 output EC 818 output ppm 411 I was absent for a full day yesterday so I didn't water the plant, and something marvelous has happened, the plant was veryyyy slow up until now, it literally grew 1 node for multiple days which is hella slow, and putting a day between the waterings seems to have sped up tremendously the growth, finishing a node in a single day and starting another, wow. gonna follow this now and water every 2 days. I'm going also to try and experiment with 3 days just for future reference.
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Grow Questions
Dufftwtstarted grow question a year ago
My tap water is at 700EC (very hard), and I add nutes normally until around 1000EC, which gives little room for nutes, if I replace with distilled water, can I go up to 1000EC with it ? (gonna be a LOT more nutes).
Feeding. Chemical composition
m0useanswered grow question a year ago
My tap water is around 300-350ppm or 0.6-0.7EC I will mix my feeds up in it and have no ill effects. its on the lower end of hard water if you place it on a scale vs others. Hardness of the water is not judged by its PPM count but more so how much of the mineral content is calcium and magnesium. Other things can influence the EC of water but not make it hard. Distilled waster will have many more available nutirents vs tap water when both are at a EC of 1.0 or 500PPM if using the 500 scale. If tap is .7 that only leave .3 of fertilizer to make 1.0EC but 1.0EC in distilled "0.0" is 3.333 times stronger as theirs no base charge like in tap water "0.7", and with liquid fertilizers they are totally available to the plants where tap water has compounds that will not affect the plants right away as they need to be broken down first. So you could run the risk of overfeeding in that setting. Best Of Luck!
Dufftwtstarted grow question a year ago
I remarked that my plant grows much faster when I leave a day in between feeds, but that's not applicable to every plant, and I want a sure way of knowing exactly when my plant needs water(using coco coir/perlite, I'll answer more in replies as there's a limit of chars here)
Feeding. Other
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question a year ago
watering is reactive... you react to the outcome. you are soilless so it's even simpler. fertilize every single irrigation around 1.3-1.5 EC. ratio/balance is obviously key, so you'll have to work that out over time.. observe and adjust. in coco, wait for top layer to start changing colors, and it's a good time to fertilize again. If the plant drinks fast, more frequent fertigation is possible and you do realize additional growth from that method. I'd suggest forming a good baseline doing it a safe and conservative way first, then you can more easily assess whether any risks of doing it are worth it or not. you need at least 33% loss of water weight before you fertigate again or you'll just drown the roots or increase risk of infecion in roots. i wouldn't do this early on in life. a larger more mature plant or as you go into bloom, sure. I'd rather i grow my roots early on in a way that makes them grow deep and aplenty. roots follow moisture in a reactive way. you get fewer superficial roots (at surface they become useless if exposed to light) by having a good wet-dry cycle. the top will always dry first. if you want to do multiple fertigations a day or water when the pot is only lost 33% of the water you previously gave (can feel the weight to judge), wait until the plant is a bit more mature or flip to bloom. growth is a curve. it's slow at first. these sort of things help, but not nearly as much later one. it's worth the small loss for improved root growth early.
Dufftwtstarted grow question a year ago
There's chlorosis between the veins and red stemming, indicating a magnesium deficiency, however both calmag and alot of epsom salt (EC is within target dw) were used to fix the deficiency and it seems to still be progressing, is this lockout ? more info in the answer to this
Feeding. Deficiences
futureharvestanswered grow question a year ago
Could be lockout, to help identify your deficiency issues I recommend reading this blog Because symptoms often progress even after applying a curative approach I'd just make sure you are following your nutrient schedule keeping EC around 1.2-1.5 or so and maybe go easy on the epsom salt. Often times its a good idea to flush the media of nutrients with alot of water and then just introduce calmag to your regular feeding schedule. Lockout can occur too when a plant's environment, watering regimen and temperatures are out of whack. Coco coir can be slow draining so make sure it dries out before each watering. Hope this helps! -Bryce from Future Harvest Nutrients

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Still_Smoqcommentedweek 6a year ago
She is shaping up nicely! I’ll have to grow one of these beauties! 👌
Jamescommentedweek 2a year ago
Happy growing mate! Let's see how this buddy grows🙌
Dufftwtcommenteda year ago
@James, Alright I'll try to do just that :p
Jamescommenteda year ago
@Dufftwt, mate, ideally make it at least 8-9 weeks of flowering
Dufftwtcommenteda year ago
@James, Thanks a lot man! This is for sure gonna be an awesome grow, this is one of the most resistant strains I've come across somehow and I just love it so much. How long do you recommend for veg/flower for this strain ? I want a decent yield from this girl
GoldenFingercommentedweek 4a year ago
was ein cooler post weiter so ;)
Dufftwtcommenteda year ago
@GoldenFinger, Thanks a lot man! means a lot to me. I put as much effort as I can into this lil girl :3
IndicaVibeMecommentedweek 6a year ago
Wow!!!! Awesome, I also just planted my Cookies gelato today!! Can't wait now I know what to look forward to!!! Your yield will be 🔥!!
IndicaVibeMecommentedweek 3a year ago
Questions: did you use a dome or baggie for the humidity at all? Of so for how long should I cover my seedling for, it's about 2-3 weeks old now, do I still need to cover it? Mostly growing on my windowsill but I have lights too. But does it still need a cloche?
Still_Smoqcommentedweek 1a year ago
Lot of good information here, like your diary. 👍