Looks like growth has stopped and the work is going into the flowers.
Some leaf tip burn but in not going to change anything, I could fuss and look at the TDS, but I've always got myself in a tis and mucked things up.
I'd say this is looking to be an average yield. Not the smallest, not the largest!
Same here, almost impossible to see whether those amber trichomes appear. I am also about to chop in the next days. The leaves are becoming yellow and brown.
I chopped this evening. The camera I used to take pics of the trichomes is rather over exposed, so amber doesn't show very well.
That being said I'd say perhaps 10% but that's an upper bound and those being a light amber.
The buds were very tight, best I've grown in terms of density but not very sticky, perhaps because they were so tight?
350g wet and trimmed. Expect 80-90g dry but that could be wrong as the buds were so dense.
Wow, many parallel buds. Is the height of 24cm correct? Is this the effect of perfect LST? My Orion is already over 70cm in week 9, but my buds are not so uniform.
I hope so. The plant is very short at the moment (only compared to other grows with different seeds). The growth though is very uniform...
@cadur, they will outgrow most any kink for as long as you keep them hydrated, oxygenated and fed. I’ve had a few issues myself first weeks but they beat them and it seems to be the case for most growers with these RQS F1’s!
In the flesh there aren't a lot of buds, they are very hard though.
I've been checking the trichomes daily and I think I'll be harvesting by Sunday?
The leaves are so brown, it's been a bit confusing to see so many dying leaves and the trichomes not being ready ( lwaiting for 30% amber). Totally different from the other plants I've grown.
Wow buddy!! super nice buds
What an amazing grow so far - good job and well done 🤝
Happy Growing & cant wait for your upcoming weeks 🌱
Cheers, Bud Boutique 👩🌾💚