@SirGideon, Yeah i used to do heavy misting. Drenching actually when i was preparing to take clones. I ended up killing my favorite mother by doing that because i left them vulnerable to pathogen invasion which is what happened. The plant never recovered and eventually died.
Check your root zone, as i'm assuming that is a hydroponic grow your doing. If you see anything brown in colour then you may have some root rot. I over watered a young OreoZ mother recently and she got really sad. She got pale and droopy and stunted growth and necrotic spots on some lower leaves. Leaves curlung down and slight cupping. I couldn't feed her because the soil was wet and took forever to dry out. She's still alive but slow to recover. Today i'm going to hit her with some hygrozyme, and i was going to suggest you use that product as well or some other enzyme root specific product like Sensizyme, if you see any browning in your root zone. I've got a bottle somewhere so i'm gonna dig it out today and use it. Look up Hygrozyme on yourtube. People rave about it and i think i'm going to start to use it regularly myself. My initial thoughts for the product was to use it to eat up the roots in my coco so that i can re-use it again, but i'm going to use it on my plants as well to keep the root zone in top shape.
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