Oct 5-11 Vegetative steering?
Aiming for:
leaf Temp -80f
CO2 -1250ppm
VPD +1.04
Vegetative Steering 6P1/ 2P2/1P3
Each P1 water event is 15 minutes apart. Seems to far apart. I think i Need More water events, with less time in between events in order to get a strong veg signal?
Watering for 2min(110)ml
May need 3min waterings(currently not getting runoff)
I have to hand water every two days.
Day 11 flo
18.5inches tall
12inches from light(moved to 16)
Day 18
Sprout chickpea(2days)
Soaked 1cup for 4 hours then rinsed. Completely covered then Soaked overnight.
Rinsed then poured water out and layed jar on the side for one day.
Blended with water(aloe vera and coconut)
Day 19&20 foilarspray
Alfalfa/Chickpea SST with Kelp,aloe,coconut,silicate,microbes brewed for 1.5 days
Day 21
Fed the Tea blend
Leaf temp 80
Co2 100
Plants look like they responded well to the foilar. The flowers at this stage are my best performance yet .crop steering may be working?