Vegetative steering
Aiming for:
leaf Temp -70f
CO2 300
VPD +.93
Planning for:
MJ and bras foilar
60%+1.5/-71f set to 68f+1.5
Leaf Temp is about 3f higher than ambient temp
At 68f outside, grow room still wont hit 68 with lights off
Day 24
No Co2
15inch from light
Leaf Temp 71-73f
Veg steering
Coconut water
Uneven canopy(11 at 29inch, 3ag 31 inch
Day 26
56%68f(humidity dropped because i havnt watered in two days 🤡)
23inch-34inch tal. Arranged in order.
5Bras,(23inch)70 leaf temp
4Jas,(29inch) 70 leaf temp
4Bras&Jas(34inch)72f leaf temp
Day 27
Watered once
Day 28
Im pretty sure the sprays worked.
Noticed leaf burn with 3 plants sprayed with MJat 147ppm(.5ml)
No leaf burn with the .1Bras sprays
I wonder how long both are good for. Also, can i pour the unused spray in the medium? I just dont want to waste it.
Plants are noticeably more vigorous.
I am wondering if now is a good time for my defoliation. i was planning for Week 5. I feel like the buds are to developed for me to be pruning off lower buds and makes me feel like i should have pruned beginning of week4