All of photoperiod strains created buds on the tops of the plants all of them are 100% female bud still i will checking for bananas this week they should gain some mass i give them water with A+B big bud and rihno skin for the base also to this i'm giving them somedays kushe kush nirvana and mother earth for the mass and frosting they don't have any drinking problems in the middle of the previous week i change the light for 600 W to give them power to grow a big buds
to my auto flowers i started giving overdrive they drink still 500 ml by day also after the change the power of light in next week i will start ripening them and flushing after that buds on the no 1 are still growing well because she have small amout of buds but no 2 is more divided for the smallers buds and started to mature before the no 1 i think the overdrive will a give a bit kick to the no 2 and on the rippening No 1 and No 2 will meet with symilar level of mature