
First Grow: Linfa Weezy with Royal Dwarf

10 months ago
Linfa Weezy
Room Type
weeks 4, 8
weeks 9
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 6
18 hrs
Light Schedule
7+ conditions after
Commented by
Honkytonky Honkytonky
a year ago
Day 36: I added the first of three boosters to the water tank - as per Linfa app notification. The Linfa grow box is however a bit to unflexible when it comes to nutrient supply. For my 4 small plants, the automatically supplied nutrients seem to harm at least one plant in a serious way. Day 37: To counter the nutrient burn, I have started to pour a cup of water every morning over the rootsystem of the worst affected plant. So as to wash away a bit of the oversupply of nutrients. Probably to no avail. Time will tell. Day 39: Removed the scrog frame. The ladies are fairly short and have stopped growing anyway. Day 40: Nutrient burn is worsening and I decided to contact Linfa. They told me to just make sure the water level is at 100%. However. I decided to take matters in my own hands now and did half empty the water tank and refilled with fresh water. Day 41: Since the Linfa box is about to deliver a fresh batch of nutriens, I half emptied the water tank today again and refilled with fresh water. Hopefully with the two days of emptying the water tank I didn’t overdo it and the ladies now start to starve…
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Grow Questions
Honkytonkystarted grow question a year ago
Are the curled and yellowed leafes indicating nutrient burn (as I assume) or is it even the opposite?
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Curl up
Leaves. Color - Yellow
JUNGLE_B4RNSanswered grow question a year ago
The correct answer is, what’s the ppm’s levels ? You can’t grow in coco following blindly manufacturers nutrients schedule, you absolutely need an EC/TDS meter to check the Electrical Conductivity and the Total Dissolved Solid of your solution. But in my personal opinion, by reading the leaves, the EC of the media is way too high, creating nutrients burns and random deficiencies due to nutrients lockouts.
deepsheebaanswered grow question a year ago
check the runoff EC if growing with mineral fertilizers. Check the pH. Usually if you follow the recipe of the manufacturer you're set. I suggest not to cut the leaves if they are mainly green yet, the flowering might slow down
AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question a year ago
Do you know your soil's pH value? Looks like Macro nutrient deficiencies. If you've never flushed your soil before, now would be a good time to do it. That will reset your soil with the pH you want, and to flush out built up nutrient salts that could be causing your plant to burn and be deficient due to lock out. Depending on the size of your pot, for example, if you had a 1 gallon pot, you would flush pH adjusted tap water through your root zone with 2 gallons. Then allow the soil to dry out so the pot feels light again, then feed with a balanced, pH adjusted nutrient mix.

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Qenzhiweek 6
Виходить що ти вирощуєш без приладів, не знаючи кислотність (pH) компоту яким поливаєш рослини та не знаєш кількість розчинених поживних речовин (EC/TDS)? Не знаючи цих показників, автоматика годує раз в тиждень твої рослини не зрозуміло якою концентрацією поживних речовин, ти намагаєшся вгадати що з ними?
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Jamesweek 3
good luck and keep on growing mate!🙌
@James, 💚💚💚
Honkytonkyweek 10
I have managed to harvest the smallest amount ever recorded. I challange anyone to harvest less than that 😁. Four plants and an estimated 10-12g dry weight of smokable buds. Lol. Well, next time counts. This one was a dress rehersal…. :-/
@Dude147, There are some amber coloured ones. I have added some photos taken about 15 hours before harvest. Well, hopefully the buds are at least of decent quality. Since I am a true micro consumer, 10-12g will get me safely to the next harvest.
@Honkytonky, Hello again, congratulations, not too much, but still your own produced buds. Hopefully it's a high quality product. I have a question: have you checked trichomes before harvesting? you saw some amber ones? Because I don't see any of them so far.
mcflowweek 3
Have fun & good luck growing, buddy🍀
Othramweek 8
Hi Honkytonky, I think you have to pull out the adesive layer on two removable panel, cause under that there's a mirror surface that improve light spread ( or you have a 70w linfa model?). P.S. For my experience, only full sativa strain had issue with little height of Linfa because stretch is however limited by the little growth of the roots.
@Honkytonky, now, After 2yrs of attempts and errors, between 10 and 15gr of clean buds each (with last cycle i filled the black tray with clay pebbles, roots health and harvest seem benefited from It). Yep, smell can be a problem but I have never looked for a solution. That dude with a DIY extractor in other diary inspire me for the fan (a 15v PC fan) that i have installed on mine for humidity control... maybe can work but i think only a closet with a proper extractor can solve problem completely. Also a low odour strain can help ( i had grow Northern Light Auto (RQS) that was almost odourless but gave me a lot of leaves and weaky buds).
@Othram, Thanks for the advice regarding the cleaning of the feeding system. The possibility of growing taller strains is good news. How much do you get out of each plant on average? The few diaries that are available on the internet all seem to suggest about 7g up to 10g per plant. Which for my consumption would be enough. Have you found a solution to the smell problem? The „filter“ on the Linfa is just a paper thin filter mat and actually not really working well. I have to open the windows very frequently. I saw on one of the diaries here that one grower has pimped his Linfa by sealing the gap betwen the panels and the frame and cut a hole in one panel and attached a ventilator and proper carbon filter to it.
@Honkytonky, yep i have a Linfa but i "pimp" it 😅 due to try to fix some issue i had: added a fan for reduce humidity to avoid mold and an heater thermostat for water tank (sometimes i had 16° water temperature ). Also i manually give nutrients and try to replace all water with fresh every week. About nutrients: I recommend you to check at each cycle that the small pipes of the automatic feeding system (not the black one use by Linfa for water ebb)are free of obstructions that could be created by fouling, u can find it by unscrewing the white panel on the back of Linfa. About strains: I try Royal Dwarf but with Hulkberry Auto and LST tecnique i find my path, usually i grow 3 of them. Also with Tropicanna Poison Auto XL(!)(Sensi Seed) i had a good fruity harvest.
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Qenzhiweek 6
Виходить що ти вирощуєш без приладів, не знаючи кислотність (pH) компоту яким поливаєш рослини та не знаєш кількість розчинених поживних речовин (EC/TDS)? Не знаючи цих показників, автоматика годує раз в тиждень твої рослини не зрозуміло якою концентрацією поживних речовин, ти намагаєшся вгадати що з ними?
@Qenzhi, The Linfa is, as it turns out, a fairly basic grow box with a lot of shortcomings. A “fully” automated one though. The carbon filter is a joke and is basically just a very thin filter mat. If one uses the box during summer, it is not too big of an issue since you can leave the window ajar during day and even night - dependend on the neighbourhood of course. There is no built in regulation of the ph-value or adjustment of the nutrient supply. It runs a pre-programmed schedule for the nutrients regardless of the actual usage. The only thing it measures during the grow cycle is the water level and it gives the user a warning message via the app once the water level gets too low. However, now that I slowly but surely get the gist of things, I’m optimistic that I can make it work for my next grow project. I have now purchased a ph meter and tds meter as well as a bottle of ph-reduction liquid and some nutrients for the blooming stage, that I can add to the water if need be. Next time I will be closely monitoring the ph and the tds-value right from the beginning. Both of which I can now manipulate up and down to the desired values. I am already curious as to how the next grow will develop. The current one I’m going to ride till the (bitter) end. Meanwhile more with experimenting than harvesting in mind. Thanks a lot for your help. Very much appreciated. Thanks to you and the advice of the other helpful commentators, I got myself the neccessary ph and tds meter. I realise now how important these items of equipment are. Funny you mentioned basil. That was, I gathered, the initially intended purpose of the box. As an afterthought, the people at Linfa added a very basic filter mat and put in a stronger LED light and thus gotten themselves into a new market segment. Two birds - one stone so to speak. The Linfa box is in my opinion only for the absolute micro consumer who doesn’t want a tent in their (small) appartment.
@Honkytonky, не знаю що порадити тобі, враховуючи що ти новачок. З даною системою вирощування не знайомий, але впевнений що нормальний результат там може бути тільки при хорошому везінні. Не розумію як дана система може регулювати вирощування протягом всього періоду вирощування. Адже рослина росте, з часом їй потрібно все більша і більша концентрація поживних речовин, а ти кажеш що вона годує рослину раз в тиждень додаючи макроелементи. А якщо 2 рослини наприклад загинуть і залишиться 3, то система й далі буде годувати рослини з розрахунком що ростуть 5? Як вона регулює pH? Навіть годуючи раз в тиждень, невже там є датчик в системі що бере проби поживного розчину, щоб зрозуміти якою є концентрація зараз розчинених солей і зробити висновок скільки потрібно добавити? В мене немає довіри до такої системи, хіба що базилік ростити на ній.
@Qenzhi, That‘s very true. But the Linfa box is a fully automated grow environment. The grower has no way of altering the nutrient supply or the watering frequency/watering amount. The latter could be done manually though. The water tank (the water level itself or partly changing out the water) is the only „tool“ a Linfa grower has to manipulate the nutrient concentration. That seems to me the greatest weakness of the Linfa system. I will probably start another grow early next year and if that one then also fails, I’m gonna curse myself for buying a Linfa and instead get a small grow tent.
Momentumweek 8
Can i ask you how much hight you have from the surface of the pods to the leds?
@Honkytonky, bei mir arbeitet man viel mit cuttings. probier es einmal mit einer photoperiodischen sorte, wie wedding cake von seed junkies, mit 15 cm in blüte schicken, um am Ende 30 cm zu erreichen, so plane ich es zumindest, man kann die größe besser kontrollieren, als mit autoflowering. ( its a good yielder.) der produzent meinte, dass man im autoflower modus intensive und standard einstellen kann und standard ist eben mit 12 stunden licht, perfekt um direkt mit cuttings in blüte zu gehen. Könnte man eigentlich die orginale dunger sache irgendwie weglassen, damit man nur manuell düngt, irgendwie ist das schema noch nicht ganz ausgereift bei weezy. bin schon mit licht- und wasser automatik zufrieden :)
@Momentum, It‘s 34cm. So, it is a rather small grow environment. Suited for the micro consumerr and restricted to dwarf strains. From what I gathered, you can expect about 7g (maybe even up to 10g) per plant and the box can accomodate up to 5 plants- hence the micro consumer. My current grow project will probably harvest less than that. Also, there is practically no odour filter to speak of. If you are thinking about getting one of those boxes, I would advise to think twice. The lack of an odour filter restricts you to grow at a time, when you can open the windows frequently and for long periods. Also, the Linfa is not a fully automated grow box and is operated via an app. So the box needs an internet connection. You will have to monitor nutrients and ph-levels on a regular basis and feed extra nutrients manually if need be. But that is not a deal breaker for me personally. Quite on the contrary. You are forced to engage with your grow project, which is a good thing. You learn about nutients and ph-levels. Knowledge which would come in handy once you switch to a classic grow tent and the Linfa box is your first attempt at growing your own weed, as it is in my case. Other than that, the advantages are the little space the box takes, the half-automated grow which allows you to leave the box a few days unattended and that the box is basically plug and play. If the box had actually a working odour filter, I would wholeheartedly recommend it.
Ringoweek 4
It's like growing a SOG, enjoy!
@Ringo, I probably should have planted 5 seeds instead of just four. Well, I will see how the grow cycle goes. This one is a practise run. Next grow will be start Feb/March.
Gkos17week 10
With some attempts more I think you will be Great
Dabkingweek 7
Looking good
CannaIGrowweek 6
Happy Growing and Congratulations for getting this far the first grow!
BudBoutiqueweek 5
Have a good transition into Flower buddy !! Really good work u put in advance to prepare them for flower 🧑‍🌾 Cheers BB
Honkytonkyweek 7
Nearly dead. About 24 days till (estimated) harvest time. I accept bets as to whether all of the ladies will have perished by the end of next week or whether one survives till day 60…
@Dude147, Your “dwarf” looks amazing and is nearly five times taller than mine ^^. As it stands nearly 1m tall, one can hardly regard it as a dwarf. 1m is amazing. You will propably harvest quite a bit from only one plant. Congrats.
@Honkytonky, hello mate, I totally understand your disappointment, but I don't really think, that your plants gonna die. Just try to learn from the mistakes and wait 3 more weeks, so you can try your own buds, trust me, it will taste and feel much better then any other dealer made pot. Regards, neighbor dwarf ✊
BudBoutiqueweek 10
Honkytonkyweek 8
I think I‘m going to start flushing next week.