Alrighty, so we’re on week 2 and I’m pretty stable now between keeping my temp at a height of 79-80° and humidity is at 53-57 almost always. One problem that is starting to occur is that my PPM is at 460 as of 10/12/23 2:00 AM. I think it’s because it’s time to transfer the plants into a 3gals and add 3tbps each of Gaia 444 and Power Bloom. If anyone could give some advice that would be much appreciated. The only other question I’d have right now would be what intensity I should have my lights on. It seems overkill to have them even around 60% that close to the plants. I have it on about 25-30% intensity on my dial right now I just really don’t want to burn them up. Thank you all again, I seriously appreciate all the support you guys gave me on my first post, the advice helped out a ton.
Ziet er prima uit man! Als dit je eerste kweek is zou ik niet teveel doen met trainen, defolieren etc op een autoflower. Even kijken hoe ze reageren en dan de volgende keer aan de training gaan. Goed om de eerste keer lekker basic te blijven! :)