AutoflowersSucKcommentedweek 2a year ago
@GrowKitty, Cool. Misting the soil i guess is ok for unsprouted seeds in soil, but thats as far as i would use it. Seedlings are tender little things and the worst is when you've put all the effort in to obtain that seed, prepare to germinate it, having it sprout and stretch up to the light. Proud papa admiring the new born. Then killing it with love lol. Damping off is a real thing and i've had it happen. Where the seedlings stem gets moistened near the soil surface nd then your stem gets thin and squishy by the soil surface and the seedling falls over and dies. All could have been avoided if the stem wasn't misted or watered on.
To water tender young plants, i have a 140ml syringe with a 10' thin tube coming off the end. I just draw up the water in it, and dribble the water around the soil surface with it. Works great and doesn't mess up the uniformity of the soil surface.👌
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