Holly M1
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M1 looking dynamite😍
M2 a bit of mutant probably toss her out soon😰
M1 got just the tip poped off make sure the side branches get full domination and do it young enough it should not hurt
No shock just kicked her in the ass a bit
Flush today Full organic feed Monday morning
Gently spread her out a bit buy the time the 2 new top shoots take dominance the Lowe 4 should have caught up to give me hopefully 6 nice colas!!
Time for take off!! Should only need to tie a few branches back tom open the canopy and remove a occasional leafy heat and there to optimize air flow!!
Bigger bucket next time she already blowing roots out the bottom!!
Hard week but shock is over and we have 6 tops that look like they should even up nice so Monday morning she gets full organics supplemented with some chelated elements
She going to be good and hungry for Breakfast in the Morning let dry up a bit let the capillary action happen