11/20/23 - Day 14 - Today the box flipped to Veg state. I made the decision in the software yesterday, its take effect the next day at the light on schedule.
The system will do a couple of things now that it's in Vegetative mode.
Lights will remain at 18Hrs On/6hours Off, however the intensity will slowly creep from 30% intensity to 100% within a couple of days.
Air Temp will remain the same at 79deg. F
Humidity will go down to 50%
Water temp and PH will remain the same, 64.5deg. F and 6.0Ph
Because I have it all hooked up for Auto water. It started the first video about 1 min after lights on. It drained the water, refilled it. After it refilled it, it turned on the air stone, started the water temp cool down, and it slowly over the next 30 minutes delivered nutes, and finished it off with balancing the PH. All of this was done on its own. I DID NOTHING. Other than verify because why not. I sat back and watched the system work.
This time around with everything hook up for auto I really am not doing much. The hardest part of this grow so far is not opening the door while the light is off.
the rest of the week I don't expect to do much. I will update daily with pictures and things that I am noticing.
This is an Auto strain. I am a little worried about growing an Auto in this box. usually, I can control the growth utilizing the lights because I'm space limited. This time the plants going to flip to flower on its own. I'll need to make sure I am training and cropping early on.
11/24/23 - Day 18 - Everything is starting to get aggressive in there. I say that because the new nodes are growing out of new nodes on the top. It's like its packed full of plant and it all wants to come out at the same time. The leaves have more serrated Leafs than I have seen on any of the other strains I have grown. Ill post a picture of the last time I grew this strain. I did it in Coco Coir. It will be cool to see the differences.
11/25/23 - Day 19 - The Leaves are all reaching up, and the plant is growing so fast! Its such a bushy plant.
@Still_Smoq, Thank you sir. Skunk#1 is one of my favorite strains. Heres the order of my favs list.
1. Jack Herer
2. White Widow
3. Skunk #1
4. Diesel
5. Gorilla Glue
@Sachimira, I can get my hand back there, no extra humidity the box takes care of all of that. The fans speed up to make sure the air still flows. I had to get the long gloves because the last grow was crazy too. If I don't use the up to the shoulder gloves I have to take a shower Instantly, she's in her perfume stage now
Sorry brother, I only bring it up because of the flowering. You’ll definitely need some good circulation around the center of her especially if she gets heavy with resin. The way your growing her, she will!
I did in the beginning, but it flipped the plant to fast. It didnt like the stress. I may go in soon though and get rid of some foilage. I'm just worried if the stress is going to cause some issues. I'm 50/50 on the decision right now. LOL thanks for bringing the fear Ive had for the last two weeks right into the forefront. 😝
My last grow was from a clone, it didnt get this stressed. This is an Auto so it seems to be acting a little different.
@Still_Smoq, I know right! This grow is going better than the last grow and the last grow went amazing. I got this one from Sensi Seeds. They seem to have some good genetics with this one. We shall see though. The buds are starting to grow outward, now its the waiting game.
Gotta luv the skunks! So worthy and versatile. I have the original Sensi Skunk #1 and don't ever want to be without it. A true classic to use and a quality breeder to boot. Have fun with her! 💪
@Chumpkilla, Sorry about that -- yes, the photoperiod. I have the original Skunk #1 photoperiod Sensi put out back in the not-so-OK days. 😜 It's def not the roadkill but it's still a damn good plant with budloads to offer. Even though you're dealing with the auto, skunk genes are still in there. So it's all good to me! BTW is IS getting crazy these days. Man o man, is it getting bughouse mad with the flower times in < 50 days. Never ever thought I'd see that happen. Madness!! 😮
@Squuncke, Original? Do you mean non-Auto? Everything is an auto these days. I have a few more Skunk#1 autos left, and a bunch of Bubblegum left from Sensi. I have a ton of Fast buds strains as well, all autos. One of them is a new kind called a Fast Auto. Its getting crazy these days. It's been fun to experience it all. Thanks for the comment, Im a big fan of Skunk#1 as well.