So I ran into some issues this week, all mainly self-caused and I'm hoping I caught it early enough for it to not become a bigger issue. I definitely think that I'm dealing with some root rot issues due to the high water temps that I have been dealing with ( 2 of my 3 girls are affected by root rot). So I have gone back to my old method of placing their 5-gallon buckets into larger tubs that I have filled with cooler with around 66 degrees and this normally have help me deal with this issue in the past.
@JeyGanesha, Yes thank you! I is some pretty good flower, really tasty. I should have let her go another week or two before harvesting but the whole tent had to come down at the same time. Would probably change my rating from 6/10 to 7/10 after she now has cured a bit more, really enjoy her nutty flavor!