THe problems are getting bigger - My plants are growing to close to my lamps so I think they are getting to much light now. I have borrowed a taller tent (200 cm vs my 160 cm) which I hopefully will get my hands on tomorrow. Then I can hang my lamps higher - hopefully it will work so I wont loose my yield.
If you have any ideas or comments I would love to hear them
@psyych, thanks - its waaaaaaay to crowded :S tent is 60x60x160 cm - I will upload pictures today from week 6-7 (im in 7 now) But yes, there is a problem with the space
1st time grower here. Trying with a Polar Express which should be a sort of lowrider. I have started with two seeds in two smartpots, which was probably a mistake, as I had problems with the pots not drying out properly (way to big pots). Should have started them in smaller pots and re-planted them at a later timer, but now I know to next time.
Grown with 2 x LED lamps @100watt each, in a 60cm x 60 cm x 170 cm tent. For flowering, I have an extra LED lamp.
Does everything look okay for a week4 plant? :)