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Grimm Truffles and Vijackra

a year ago
Grimm Truffles
Room Type
weeks 3
weeks 5-6
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Coco Chunks
Grow medium
Pro mix Moisture
Grow medium
Grow medium
19 l
Pot Size
3.79 l
Grow Conditions
Week 2
18 hrs
Light Schedule
8+ conditions after
Commented by
IndaGC IndaGC
a year ago
October 30th - Day 14 I planted 10 Grimm Truffles and 4 Vijackras in 2" square pots without a presoak on 11-13. They were placed under a dome with a temp range of 74-78 F and where removed 24 hours after germination. Within 24 hours had 1 Truffles and 2 Vijackra germinate. In the next 24 hours I had 5 Truffles and 1 Vijackra germinate. Then the 24 hours after that had 2 Truffles and 1 Vijackra germinate. The remaining 2 Truffles did not germ after an additional 10 days so they where discarded. For germination and for the first 10 days they were placed under HLG propagation lights at about 3" from the tops of the seedlings. After 10 days the seedlings were transplanted into 5" cowpots with the bottom inch filled with straight coco and the remaining volume was filled with seedling mix. At this time inoculated with Big Foot Gold (bacteria) and Big Foot Mycorrhizae. The bacteria was applied direct to roots, the mycorrhizae was top dressed to water it in. I also top dressed a small amount (aprox 1/2 oz volume) of Jobes Organic 4-4-4 to feed the plants until the cowpots get transplanted into grow bags. At this time they were moved from under the HLG propagation lights to being placed under four 4k HLG QB132 pulling 185w total. For about the next week I will leave the cowpots exposed to air but will place them into 6" square to protect the root tips from the light as they grow through the walls of the cowpots. Once covered it will also retain more moisture in the cow pots and help soften up the cowpots for transplanting to their final bags about another week. I have been using cowpots for about 6 years and have found this method allows for stress free transplanting. I used straight water while they were in the 2" pots. Then after moving to the cowpots I am alternating water and a weak solution of CalMag+. At this point I am only having to water every 2-3 days. I am currently using about 1 cup of water per plant and I am letting the sides of the cowpots fully dry in between watering. I do not expect to have to feed them until they have been placed into their grow bags and will be running pure blend pro at that point. The day after transplanting the weather had changed to being much cooler and dryer which made keeping humidity up difficult even with running 2 humidifiers. This caused a significant amount of drooping in the first leaves but over the last 3 days they improved and I am getting noticeable growth again. Starting today I am also getting heavy rain 1"+ a day for the next 10 days out on the forecast so humidity is becoming less of an issue. I went from having a base line on the intake going from 35% to 50% today. December 3rd - Day 17 The change in weather plus adding a humidifier in the adjoining room has helped to get my vpd closer to being on target. I was originally swaying between 0.9 to 1.5 due to my humidifiers not being able to keep up after the lights being on for a few hours. Now I am running between 0.9 to 1.2 , I would like to bump up the lower end but the "smart" humidifiers I have in the room are unable to work with a controller. The "smart" portion of them prevents them from auto starting after having their power cut and clears the last settings. The new humidifier I just purchased is a dumb type with knob which turns it on and adjusts the output and works perfectly fine with an ACI plug. I am going to test it out in the adjoining room for the next week before swapping out one of my one currently in the grow room. If it checks out ok will probably order a second one even though I most likely not need it once I have a canopy transpiring moisture into the air but I had a hard time finding a dumb cool mist humidifier that had a tank that could last 24 hours and was cheap. I decided to go ahead and sleeve the cow pots today because I am getting my first root tip penetrating the bottom of the pot (not the drain hole but through the pot.) I expect by the start of week 3 to have a number of root tips growing through the bottom and starting to come out of the sides. I usually hold off on covering them because the retained moisture greatly weakens the cowpots sidewall rigidity and makes them easy to tear if not handling them with care. I still plan on transplanting to final grow bags in week 4, barring excessive root growth make me do it sooner, because the light they are currently under tends to keep the inter node spacing very tight. Where as the main lights that I have hung up are 3k qb288 v1 and they tend to induce a little stretch even in veg. December 4th - Day 18 Finally removed the top half of the wire shelf that was in the grow room. I left it in place at first because it had all my propagation lights and heat mats setup on it plus I placed the seedlings up top because it tends to be the warmest spot in the room. Now it is much easier to maintain the girls and get better pictures. I previously would have to use a step stool get to the top shelf. For the last few years I have mainly used the room for starting outdoor plants and for making 100s of pepper starts. In just 24 hours from sleeving my cowpots there has been many more roots poking through the walls. The picture from todays is the same container as yesterday. A different pot, no picture, already has 2" long roots coming out of the walls of the cowpot. I originally started using cowpots many year ago for vegetable starts but started using them cannabis because they allow for a near zero stress transplant and rapid root zone growth into the new media. There is a chance of getting mushrooms growing from the cowpots but they are harmless to the plants and if you get lucky you end up with ink caps which produce chitinase which creates a hostile environment for insects. Not that important for an indoor grow but is nice for when moving young plants outdoors by discouraging things like wood louse and ants. December 5th - Day 19 I got most the extra stuff I do not need out of the room now and wiped down everything with hot bleach water. I also brought in my grow bags then realized my plant trays are a tight fit and would be hard to slide around to get to the back side plants. I have used these trays before in the room but it was before I had lined the floor with pond liner. When I had installed the liner I had boxed in the room with pressure treated 2x4s to have something to staple the liner to which narrowed the floor space just enough not to let 3 trays sit side by side. So I am probably going to have to order some slightly smaller ones otherwise I will be cursing myself when it comes time to water. I am going to be placing the Grimm Truffles in the 5 gallon round bags on the floor and then the Vijackra are going to be going into 3 gallon squares on the shelf where my seedling are currently located. The room is roughly 4' x 9' the Grimm Truffles are getting a 4'x5' space and then the Vijackra will end up with 2'x4'. I am currently running the lights to provide about 500 µmol m-2 s- which is giving me DLI of 32.4. The light I am using for veg does not have an adjustment potentiometer hooked up to the driver so I am utilizing canopy to lights distance for setting my target and checking it with an apogee quantum flux meter. I have been working the value up over time from the roughly 200 µmol I get from my propagation setup. I plan to gradually increase this value to 700-800 before I flip over. My goal is to flip on new years although that is subject to change depending on how the plants look. I still have a one maybe two tops and a transplant to do before then.
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resimaxcommentedweek 2a year ago
Good luck and happy growing! 😁
IndaGCcommenteda year ago
@@resimax, Thank you. I grew out a Grimm Truffle this last summer outdoors and was impressed with it's performance even though I had to pull it a little early because I got hit with non stop rain. I gave grown C99 for years because it has been effective in reducing the frequency of migraine headaches but have found that even though it is a fast flower most of the phenotypes are reluctant to to start flowering in the long day lengths of fall you find in northern lattitudes. I had a couple cuts which had faster onset but had gotten very sick a couple years ago and was unable to get out and take cuts and lost those lines. So last year I restarted looking for a fast to trigger Cindy and had received 2 Grimm Truffle seeds as a promo of which only 1 had germinated so I grew it outdoors this last summer. It was the first plant to have flower set even with 14hr+ days, so I decided to grab a handful of tester packs and go pheno hunting. I am hoping to do another run of Grimm truffles after this one so I can find a few promising cuts to try outside next summer.
Lemonhazelovercommentedweek 2a year ago
Nice setup, happy growing and good luck buddy ☘️
Lemonhazelovercommenteda year ago
IndaGCcommenteda year ago
@Lemonhazelover, Thank you, I am a big fan of SLH too although has been a few years since I have grown it.
JiggiLotuscommentedweek 11a year ago
Looks amazing! I bet it smells amazing too 🤤 Good growing 💗