Are you starting to realize how much easier this is.... ???? Wait till you have a problem. You have all kinds of time to fix it. Hahahahahaha. And this is harder????? 🤔🤔.... hahahahahaha 😂😂😂😂 You're the perfect person to ask this question.?????
@GardenOfHerbs, yep..... that's why.... you have all the time in the world to fix any problems that may arise. Which makes them easier. But the trade off is their slow. And I'm pretty sure you will yeald more.
@GardenOfHerbs, im planning on trying photos in september when i know i dont have any vacations coming anytime soon. I dont have the best yields, usually around 40gr. This is my 4th grow so the yields will come with time i hope.
I love autos and 16 weeks is to damn long for me to wait so ill probably go back to autos. Im hoping for better terpene profiles with photos
@ArucambaAutoflowers297, i like auto's more, because i yield more of an auto in way less time, now i had to wait 16 weeks (still counting) for 75gram max... so ill be growing auto's again
Haze this and haze that.... wtf I must try ... I dont know how but you need to share your first grow with me... at least a bud of each... hey I'm your Mother F***ing Best Friend that's your job..... LMFAO 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣 Great Luck to you on this one and everything you do. 👊😎