Jack11commentedweek 710 months ago
@jakethedog, you can still increase light period, but in flowering do it in low steps. I believe 20-30 minutes daily will be ok. It can do some stress, so be carefull. This distance and 20hours of light can cause light burn on top leaves, so watch your lady daily, and do not more "upgrades" together (adding much more water or much more nutrients, temperature a humidity are very important too. Look at VPD chart for autoflowers)
You can try add distance and light period too, what causes more angle - more light exposed surface on top of plant.
Another idea, but dont know if it works with 60° bulb, is add some reflective walls around for transport light beam to lower leaves. With this upgrade dont forget add small fan, for circulating air and prevent molds. I think your plant grow is slowed down too, because of low temp. But let it so now. More light in future=more heat. Dont know where are you growing, but usually strong lights can increase room temp...
p.s.: with this plant height and low light distance from top can cause maturing delay of buds. So maybe the top will show all milky trichomer earlier than lower floors. In last stage of flowering you can then harvest upper quarter and another days/week later you will see how looks rest of plant. Somewhere i saw harvesting 3 or 4 times in 2 weeks after cutting top of plant
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