
My first grow (Royal Dwarf)

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
6 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
7 L
Pot Size
0.6 L
Grow Conditions
Week 4
20 hrs
Light Schedule
Day Air Temperature
11+ conditions after
Commented by
howie03 howie03
6 years ago
Starting to add 0.5 ml/l BioGrow and Topmax for 2nd lady. 1st lady still don't get adds. Plant light set up to 100W LED + 4x10W Philips bulbs on day 25. Watering only if the pot of 2nd lady is very light. Then as much water until it comes out of the bottom of the pot. 1st lady in granulate gets water the same time but seems to needs much less water.
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Grow Questions
howie03started grow question 6 years ago
Google says yellow between veins is caused by iron deficiency ... Do they going to get an iron deficiency?
Leaves. Veins - yellow between
The_Projexxanswered grow question 6 years ago
Your plants are fine brother ! They aren't suffering from anything . The main thing you wanna focus on when they are young like that is not over watering them . Your starting PH in a soiless mix in my opinion should be 6.1 6.2 and you would gradually move it up to 6.3 or 6.4 this will ensure that your plant will not suffer from nutrient lock outs . I can see that you are folliar spraying your plants although this is good for them I wouldn't do it every day I would do it every 3 days or so , reason being is that when they are young like that a lot of what they absorb is through the leaves , so do it sparingly when young like that so you avoid over watering issues . As they get a little bit older you can add a rooting stimulate like piranha or voodoo juice (anything like those products is fine don't have to be those ones) a chelation agent ( humic / fulvic acids) and very very very light dose of which ever Veg solution you have chosen . If you do these things you will have no problems in the veg cycle and you will have wonderful healthy plants . I hope I've helped a little bit :)
howie03started grow question 6 years ago
What do you think? More or less light? Anything other things to do?
Other. Bugs
Athosanswered grow question 6 years ago
Height is over rated. What you want is an even canopy; that been said, the stretch will pick up its pace during the 2nd week of flowering. Now lights, your grow space is 60*60 (4 sq ft) for LED lights, you need between 30 to 40 watts per sq ft, in this case 150 watts puts you at 37.5 watts / sq ft, so I don't recommend more light, but if you can get away with it, get the lights closer, that will certainly help the plant, as long as the temperature at canopy level is appropriate; keep in mind that getting the light closer increases the intensity of light dramatically for the plant. Since you are using a soiless media, I would add some form of cal / mag additive, just enough to get 0.5 EC (250 PPM) as a base water (0.5 to 1 cc per liter should do, depending on your water EC/PPM). Also up the biogrow to 2 cc/lt and start adding bio-bloom as soon as you see the first flowers (2 cc / lt should do for starters).
howie03started grow question 6 years ago
With my cocktail for 2nd lady I reach an EC of 580 ppm. Is that enough or should I gain nutrients? It seems she stopped growing into height. Should I do something against that? What is a good amount of cal/mag in the water?
Other. Bugs
OutForRealanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hello ! At that stage in soilless medium you should already be around 1.5 / 1.7 Ec and the cal mag should represents 0.3 points of Ec which mean that with a tap water at 0.3 Ec you add cal mag until 0.6 is reached then you go to 1.5/1.7 by mixing your nutrients. So to answer your question : yes you need to add more nuts. And you can't do anything to make her gain more height as the stretch is now almost done so until harvest the gain of height will not be up to 5cm. I hope it will help you 😁👍

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Alpacacommentedweek 56 years ago
They're about to triple in size, mine looked a lot like yours in week 5 and it went from 23 cm to 60 in a week . Also I wouldn't do bloom fertilizers yet, it's going to be another week or too to actually flower, you have preflowers. They still need the nitrogen for their stretch
Alpacacommented6 years ago
@growdoctordc, I really like seeing them express themselves I their own way too. Makes the plants feel more... Alive
growdoctordccommented6 years ago
@Alpaca, You raise a point I have meant to address for a while, and I’m prompted now. I both thank you and apologize for having selected your post as an example of how one’s experience is one’s experience only, and we should be careful to then extrapolate “This is what happened to me, so this is what’s going to happen to you”. Every grow... every grower will have a unique experience due to all the variables, even when using identical seeds or clones. Maybe these plants will triple in size. Maybe not. It’s hard to speculate accurately how another grow will develop based upon a personal experience. And I find that one of the most fascinating aspects of cannabis. It has a strong personality of its own!
Alpacacommented6 years ago
@howie03, You'll see friend, mine showed preflowers since week 4 but it only started really flowering late in week 6. I saw your close up, those are the first preflowers.
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Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 66 years ago
Your lady nr 1 is looking as if she has wet roots/ rootproblems, the second is looking very nice. Both got a very nice shape, wonderful dwarf do you have little black flies in your room=?
howie03commented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Thank you 😊 I hope I will not overfeed my 2nd lady. She's developing very nice! There appear some light green dots/areas on some of the leaves of the main cola. Is that normal? (pic 40: 2nd lady main cola)
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
@howie03,but they look great... dont care about a few tips^^. brown tips normally is N excess but its not actual its an old damage
howie03commented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Now 1st lady doesn't look droopy any more. I think I have overwatered her. Some tips are getting brown and google says that could be one cause. It's not easy to find out if there is enough water in the granulate because it's very heavy. Maybe it's not the best medium for the plant but we will see.
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Alpacacommentedweek 76 years ago
Don't worry about a few leaves at the bottom yellowing and dying. The plant does that because those leaves weren't getting enough light. My big girls both lost about 6 leaf sets at the bottom
Alpacacommented6 years ago
@howie03, she's fine, just a bit slower
howie03commented6 years ago
@Alpaca, ty, i think 2nd lady grows great but 1st one doesn't :(
Alpacacommented6 years ago
@howie03, youre doing great though, you have a very even canopy and shes flowering very nicely
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420throwaw4ycommentedweek 36 years ago
Wow! Quite the growth spurt between weeks two and three!
howie03commented6 years ago
@Alpaca, Seems to boost in grow now 👌
Alpacacommented6 years ago
@howie03, check out my journal, royal dwarfs grow a lot week 4
howie03commented6 years ago
@420throwaw4y, But it's still small for my opinion 😰
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 56 years ago
he is looking good and healthy. The has good Disatance between the Nodes. And yes you can give her more LIght... but the 150 watt should be enoughfor only one plant. Yes LST is a good thing. Most Automatics respond very well on it. I wont top her.. its alwys adecision how well does a plant grow, and i dont see her as aTopping candidate. Youve choosen good genetics from RQS. She wont be a giant, but if you treat her nice she will give you a good yield. here are some RQS dwarf grows that are spectacular. Have a look ( dont remember the grower atm) If you want to do LST start now .. you will have atime-window for 10-14 days to do it
Mrs_Larimarcommented6 years ago
@howie03,should be enough.. we will see
howie03commented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Now the two will get 160 real Watts. Don't have more :-/
Jondalarcommentedweek 116 years ago
How much do you think you'll end up with dry weight? Congrats!
howie03commented6 years ago
@@Jondalar, Hi! I think around 50g for 2nd lady and only 20g for 1st lady (granulate) 😌
ClubRiotcommentedweek 116 years ago
nice buds!!👍👌
howie03commented6 years ago
@ClubRiot, thanks bro! 😏
Toninocommentedweek 96 years ago
He can be happy the buds are starting to look nice good job on the plant Nice first growth
howie03commented6 years ago
@Tonino, ty 😍
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 86 years ago
Nice Ladys
howie03commented6 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, ty, but i think first lady will not end her life happy 😳
Jondalarcommentedweek 76 years ago
Hope everything finishes as you would want. Following.
howie03commented6 years ago
@@Jondalar, thank you 😚
Toninocommentedweek 76 years ago
You can be really happy with your first growth things are coming along great at this point and of week three it's always a good time to do a bit of foliation
howie03commented6 years ago
@Tonino, And the top leaves turning into brown 😭
GreenZonecommentedweek 36 years ago
Good luck with the grow. I am growing the same strain. As the name suggests, the plant is going to be very short with frosty buds.
howie03commented6 years ago
@GreenZone, ty 😏
blendmedmedmancommentedweek 16 years ago
they will be nice and fun to grow. good luck
howie03commented6 years ago
@blendmedmedman, Ok, I trust in you :)
SensiSmellYahLatercommentedweek 116 years ago
Your buds look amazing my friend and I believe congratulations are in order. You put in the work and time over the last few months and it has given you some beautiful results. I wish you all the best in your next grow and I'm so happy for you that this grow has turned out as beautiful as it has. Cheers my friend and happy smoking!
StonedWolfcommentedweek 116 years ago
These are looking GREAT! 😻
Jondalarcommentedweek 96 years ago
Wow! Great progress! I hope I do as well!
The_Projexxcommentedweek 36 years ago
Coming along :) keep up the good work and you will be rewarded justly ! -Happy Growing!
Toninocommentedweek 26 years ago
alive and well happy grow
Smallbutstrongdwarfcommentedweek 16 years ago
Good luck with the grow, Shes looking good already :)). you're always welcome to compare my dwarf i'm on week 4!
TheGrowingProjectcommentedweek 16 years ago
Goodluck on the grow! I’m on my first as well