
AutoColorado Cookies

7 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 8
20 hrs
Light Schedule
6+ conditions after
Commented by
GardenOfHerbs GardenOfHerbs
7 years ago
Wow she is the fastest plant ever! I probably started the overdrive to late Flush started on day 55 She could be chopped but sinds i was late with the flush ill chop her around day 65
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CANNASIMcommentedweek 97 years ago
Still 9w is just fast bro! Congrats for the harvest πŸ‘πŸ» I assume you are not liking the AN that much? Cheers
CANNASIMcommented7 years ago
πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š @GardenOfHerbs, check this out. Cheers
GardenOfHerbscommented7 years ago
@CANNASIM, true mate, she sure was fast 😲 Not sure yet about the AN yet sinds the other girls are still going. I guess its just the genetics, just checked for other colorado cookies grows and yield is the same as mine.
JUNGLE_B4RNScommentedweek 97 years ago
Wow cool πŸ‘ You get weed in 60 days .
RootToCurecommentedweek 58 years ago
Looking Good! :)
Toothlesscommentedweek 17 years ago
There's Vitalink which is ok, but the best option - make your own.For magnesium use epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) very cheap!For calcium use calcium nitrate.But not mix them together! it will make calcium sulphate which is gypsum.CalMag is just a name of a product.If your plant needs mag - add mag, if it needs calcium - add calcium.
Toothlesscommented7 years ago
@GardenOfHerbs, by the way, because of the way plants absorb calcium, if you have too many ions in the medium it will interrupt. if there's a calcium problem it might be worth to flush the medium and add some calcium alone. the benefit of epsom salt is that you can also use it in foliar form (spray on the leaves), so if you need to add both you can put the calcium in the medium, and epsom on leaves, :)
GardenOfHerbscommented7 years ago
@Toothless, good to know! Really helpfull info πŸ‘Œ had a lot of calcium problems with my auto brooklyn sunrise. I gave her epsom + calcium nitrate and it got even worse! Now i know what went wrong πŸ‘Š
Toothlesscommented7 years ago
@GardenOfHerbs, It's actually very fun experiment to mix them in a glass and see the gypsum forms in front of your eyes, but I bet the plants don't think it's useful :D By the way if you do want to mix them and they are still available to plant, calcium carbonate is an option too. Some people also use water that had egg shells sitting in it for a while, but with that I have no experience.
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CANNASIMcommentedweek 68 years ago
Great update, girls looking fantastic!
CANNASIMcommented8 years ago
@GardenOfHerbs, πŸ‘ŠπŸ»πŸ‘ŠπŸ» Smell is magic and one of the things missing on the digital. πŸ˜… Cheers!
GardenOfHerbscommented8 years ago
@CANNASIM, thanks mate. She sure does look beautifull. The smell is so damn good. Cant wait to see her in full flower 😍
Guyonthecouchcommentedweek 77 years ago
Looking nice! How is the colorado cookies liking the advanced nutes? Im switching to advanced on my next run which is also the cc lol
GardenOfHerbscommented7 years ago
@Guyonthecouch, she is loving it! Nice and healty and super fast! 😲
WhiteWidowcommentedweek 97 years ago
beautiful, great job and best of luck in the future! =)
DaGrowQueencommentedweek 97 years ago
Absolutely beautiful πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘„πŸ’¨
ElevatedThinkingcommentedweek 77 years ago
Looking really good! Super healthy and dark green!
Skunkstarcommentedweek 38 years ago
Looking real nice
DabCrabcommentedweek 97 years ago
Great harvest man, you've got a vote from me no doubt. I love to see my local states strains be grown to perfection. I love Colorado Cookies with all my heart. Don't feel down about your harvest, Autos don't yield very well and Cookies is a small bud strain that typically also doesn't yield big buds. Thanks for sharing this grow with us all!!!!!
DabCrabcommented7 years ago
@GardenOfHerbs, Yeah, I grew one of their AK47 Autos a while back. I was incredibly disappointed. Some of their strange are a hit or miss. I'm not sure exactly how they are breeding their autoflowering plants but some of them are stronger and bigger than others.
GardenOfHerbscommented7 years ago
@DabCrab, wow thanks mate for the compliment. Apreciate it! Yeah about the yield. Its just such a nice smoke i wish it would have yielded more 😁 and dutch passion should not advertise it as an xxl strain... 😊
CANNASIMcommentedweek 77 years ago
She is just sharp bro! πŸ‘ This source of socks you use in the airpot is to avoid bugs?
CANNASIMcommented7 years ago
@GardenOfHerbs, lol πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ very creative! cheers πŸ‘ŠπŸ»
GardenOfHerbscommented7 years ago
@CANNASIM, hahaha its a panty hose πŸ˜„ and yes. Hadnt had fungus gnats sinds πŸ‘Œ also no more mess on the floor ✌️
nicogmcommentedweek 97 years ago
Great work ! You will have better luck in the future, keep going !
goarillacommentedweek 17 years ago
I buy Aptus CaMg Boost from a dutch growshop (
CANNASIMcommentedweek 97 years ago
Thats awesome, just amazingly fast... curious about the weight!