What I did here was bend both sides down to make them level this causes the energy to be distributed evenly across each cola
It's no longer level so now and again you have to relevl it
Looks weird but it's working
@drkushlife, you know what i'm thinking, maybe when we do autos it's a good idea to hst the main cola to get it on the same level as the canopy ... might be easier to get that lamp to plant distance locked in that way
@CRiSPrGrow,height wise thats my doing i keep my plants between 40 and 60 cm or atleast i try to
so this one is on time with height when she blooms she will hit the 40 plus cm mark ...as for the length of time it takes to flower i dont know its just the way nature rolls every aspect is covered so im not worried it will flower eventually....hopefully lol
listen boss................................ive seen ur pics from week one and three.......................im not sure whats
up but normally shit should grow way quicker than this..................................good luck
@@grzesiek, its slow or appears to be slow because its doing its job under the soil ...alot of strains ive grown have shown this trait but bare with it it needs strength in its root system before it can grow more ..as for her height she hasnt grown san imch shes grown more but i top up the soil and what ever height she is after thats what i type down on here..shes about 4 inch but that stem under the soil will be roots now