
First Outdoor Grow with Durban Poison, Frisian Dew & Shaman

5 days ago
Room Type
weeks 20
weeks 4, 12
Grow medium
Peat-free potting compost
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 20
14 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
Nutri One
9 ml/l
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
birdmountain birdmountain
12 days ago
Durban Poison The Durban Poison is giving me great pleasure with the steady increase in buds. It is still growing minimally. I have removed several leaves and am trying to leave only those on the plant where I cannot (yet) see the stems. Hopefully this will give the plant enough strength to continue developing the buds. The smell of the Durban Poison is quite peculiar; sweet in any case, but otherwise difficult to describe, perhaps a little clove and cinnamon, a little perfumed with a slight animal note. The strong wind on two days of the week did nothing to it, it is one of the few plants that has not been topped or pruned in any way. This makes it more elastic, as the strain is on the entire main stem and not on the lower parts of the toppings. Frisian Dew Just to give you a quick update on the Frisian Dew, it's now reached 2.40 m in height and is in full bloom. :) I moved her to a wind-sheltered spot before the storm to prevent damage from the strong winds. The FD in the pot is showing signs of growth, with small buds emerging. The lady in the garden is a little later. Otherwise, everything seems to be looking good, and I hope it stays that way. Shaman The shaman is finally in bloom and looks healthy. The same goes for its sister in the garden. Now is the time to reduce the nitrogen fertiliser and increase the phosphor and potassium. All the plants have been lightly defoiliated apart from those in the garden. This is to give the buds more light. Durbam Poison: 169 cm Shaman in garden 205 cm Shaman in pot 164 cm Frisian Dew in garden 210 cm Frisian Dew in pot 240 cm
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Grow Questions
birdmountainstarted grow question 3 days ago
Some leaves from the top of my biggest plant, Frisian Dew, turn yellow and brown. The others don't show this behavior. The plant is in week 22 and still needs approx. 4-6 weeks until harvest. The plant pot is fully rooted up to the surface.
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Leaves. Color - Yellow
1 like
Leromeanswered grow question 3 days ago
Potassium deficiency!! You can fertilize with banana or potato water!

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Mrs_Larimarweek 16
Hi I have grown both strains, too I love the Shaman Frisian dew gave me hUUUUGE buds, nearly absurd
@Mrs_Larimar, yes I have been studying your reports before to decide if I could grow them. I am very astonished about Durban Poison currently which I grow from regular seeds. For the bad, rainy times in Autumn they will be moved under a tarp.
Boomer911week 0
Large mesh textile pots is the best for garden , garden direct soil is an added stress factor to control and work with u want a good Pro Mix Soil with all the goodies ,dont over nute them , pro mix has for weeks in it.
@Boomer911, thank you for your tips. I already got some 15 l Gronest textile pots. When the plants get harvested, you can use the root balls as bricks :). 15 l pots are only suitable for balcony. The plants in it will reach up to 120 cm.
Slindsweek 18
Die schauen richtig vital aus! Besonders interessant zu sehen wie früh die Durban Poison in die Blüte gegangen ist. Wie ist bei euch die Situation mit eventuellem Störlicht in der Nacht? Ich habe das Gefühl bei mir könnte Streulicht vom Haus die Blüte hemmen.
@Slinds, deine sehen aber auch sehr gut aus, bin gespannt auf Haze im Freiland.
@Slinds, ja die Durban Poison und eine weitere ist bereits in Blüte gegangen, alle anderen sind in der Vorblüte. Ich habe nun auch alle Nachtbeleuchtungen (Solarfackeln ...) abgeschaltet um Störlichter zu vermeiden. Mal sehen ob es etwas bringt.
Organic_Gweek 18
Whats up Growmie, nice Grow keep up the good work 👌🏽🍀 check out mine, maybe you got some tipps 🙏🏽 don‘t forget to Like & follow if you like my organic grows 💯
Legendaryseedthumbweek 19
Amazing my friend! Keep up the good work! Happy growing and happy smoking! /LST👨🏽‍🌾🌱
GermanGrow182week 17
Sehr geil, dass du welche im Boden hast. Hattest du viele Schnecken? Glaube, nicht, denn die sehen sehr gut aus 👌 weiter so, Dann versorgst du ein paar Leute mehr als nur dich 😄 also, wenn es nach dem Gesetzgeber geht...
@GermanGrow182, die Schnecken sind z. Zt. mit den Blüten des Garten-Eibisch beschäftigt (Kein Witz). Bzgl. der Erntemenge gibt es noch diverse Hürden für ein erfolgreiches Jahr. Und es geht in diesem Jahr darum festzustellen was möglich ist und nicht darum Personen zu versorgen.
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Boomer911week 0
For a direct soil plant , you'd want to watch all the Guerilla Grows tips and tricks so you know what you have to deal with , also @Hologram here on GD is an expert , check her out