First off a huge thank you to Divine seeds for sending me the competition beans, I’m looking forward to seeing what the genetics bring to the table!
A little about Overdose Auto: She is an Indica dominant hybrid sitting at 90% indica. Stated THC is very high at between
25-26%. She is Afghani crossed with Colombian and Mexican genetics so a bit of a globe trotter.
It is stated that she grows compact with a musky aroma and takes very well to low stress training (I will be utilising my usual training around the pot circumference here I think).
I am reusing the substrate that I had originally used for Sour Stomper, Gave a little top up of fresh substrate a little over 1cm. Amended using BioTabs products and my own home made compost and worm hummus.
Germinated in a lukewarm glass of water three days ago, she emerged from substrate a day and a half after her shell had cracked and the bean sewn into substrate.
She is looking healthy so far, no concerns.
@Biotabs, so I have given it a plain compost tea fed and not added any bio pk. The plants have really been thriving, my main reason for giving is just to keep the microbial activity up and it’s easier to feed all of the plants at once 🌲