Montebello Mind Bombx2 (MMB): Doc Wylder Genetics. Germination was a quick 48hrs and both tap roots popped. Planted them in cups: one clear, one Red, to be able to monitor root health and catch run off. Medium is a basic seedling soil with added perlite, mycorrhizae and wollastonite mineral. Kept the soil damp with a spritzx2 each day & domed for increased humidity (80%). By Day 6 MMB #1 broke soil. Day 7 MMB #2 did as well but required a bit of brushing off the top layer of soil over top it. There was some heavy material (small stick) over top it. The seedlings are just getting started & off to a good start during this critical stage. Currently receiving 250-300ppfd and spritzed x2 each day. Temps 77-82F, RH 60%, CO2 550-725ppm. Excited to further this journey of life & thanks for taking the time to check out the grow. ๐