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Passion #1 + ICE & Cream auto - my Landlord and me outdoor
My landlord, his wife and I decided to do a little grow, since it became legal in Germany on April 1st 2024.
The garden hasn't been taken care of for a couple of years now. We started by cutting alot of bushes and will continue to do so. Everything stealing light and nutrients from the plants must go.
We dug holes loosened the soil and put it back in. We layered rock dust, compost, horn chips and horse manure every 20-30 cm. Although we found a couple of worms, we put worms/worm castings on top of every hole and worked them into the first 10-15 cm. Holes 1-3 are bigger and deeper (~120 cm/800 liters) and meant for the Passion #1. Holes 4-9 (~70 cm/140 liters) are for the auto strains. We plan on doing two runs with auto strains while the Passion #1 will be ready in Sept/Oct. I don't expect much from the first run of autos, but I want to get a good feel for the spot. It will largely depend on the weather anyways.
The soil additives from left to right, top down: horse manure, poultry manure, worms/worm castings, compost, horn chips, rock dust (80% andesite).
The poultry manure is for the flowering phase.
The seeds were put between paper towels on April 2nd. All seeds germinated, the ICE auto were the slowest.
Nothing interesting with the plants. They are still thin and sluggish. I felt, that the stretch was to strong and they should get more light. They are under 16/8 400W MH right now. Usually I do 18/6 with this setup, but I dont want to give them to much light hours now. In the beginning of May, the days are 15-15,5 hours long and I dont want the Passion #1 to flower, because they get less light, than before.
We began to surround the plant holes with terra cotta tiles, we found in a corner of the garden. There are plenty of them, I hope enough for all the holes. We put a Microdrip system in place for easy watering.
We are still cleaning around the planting area. I cut a couple of tree branches today, that were stealing light in the earlier hours of the day.
I set up a camera and will be doing a 48h time lapse of the planting area, starting tonight at 00.00. I want to see, if I have to cut more branches or bushes further back. If it works, I'll post the time lapse.
Edit: I added the timelapse test.
The plants are comming along as expected. Encountered a little warping and leaf necrosis, nothing to be concerned about. Could be the genetics, could be the soil, could be the lighting, could be my watering habits. They should grow out of it.
One of the Passion #1 and the two Cream (the 3 earliest seeds to sprout) needed some help staying upright. Although by now the problem is mostly fixed, I am keeping the wire for now.
I am feeding them nothing so far, which I am not used to. I started them in pure, ripe compost my dad made with rock dust, charcoal and a lot of attention to detail. It retains water badly, but is well airated and should be rich in nutrients as well as microbial life. They need water twice a day, the surface dries out within hours. I am pulling 5-10 little seedlings daily, that started to sprout as soon as I started watering. There is also some very finely grained white fungal action happening, this soil is definitely alive. Since I am used to growing on coco with mineral NPK and some enzymes, I am very curious, how well the compost will perform without additives .
I am forming a biological fertilizter and additives plan, which should also benefit the soil long term. So far I plan on using:
- Compost tea
Microbial food and cultures (every other week)
- Horsetail extract
NPK 5-1,5-15 (every other week, maybe more in flowering)
- Nettle tea
NPK 4-1-3 (every other week)
- Poultry castings
NPK 4-3-3 + 1,3 MgO (when planting, maybe when flowering starts again)
- Guanokalong
NPK 4-8-1 (in flowering, when flowering starts -weekly -biweekly- dont know yet , have to read more)
I still need to read more. The above may change. I still know very little about e.g. blood-, bone- and fish products, any input is welcome.
The plants are still getting just water, roughly every 12 hours, or twice a day.
The two with deformities/necrosis (l. to r., top to bot: 5 + 9) grew out of it, the new leaves are flawless, so I'm guessing the compost was a little strong for the young plants.
I want to put them outside badly, but we will wait until Monday to do so. I put up my irrigation system, because I will visit Amsterdam for the weekend and won't be able to tend to them. This is also the reason for my update today, instead of friday.
I am very excited to put them outside soon. Happy growing everyone!
Strain positions from start until now:
On monday (day 22) we put them outside. The weather was sunny until wednesday, it has been raining and cloudy on thursday and today, very little sunshine.
I would have preferred to put them outside sooner, but the temperatures did not permit that. The Passion #1 got started off with horse manure in their plantholes, the autos with bat guano. All plants received a first watering with horsetail extract.
The autos all started flowering. Today (day 26) they got bent down, using a soft wire. Two of the Passion #1 got topped (1+7). The third (4) gets a couple of days more to develop.
Today is the second day this week with sunshine. The days before were rainy and cold.
All plants are doing fine, but I feel, they should be quicker. But then again I am probably spoiled in that regard, by growing indoor. One of the ICE (3) isn't happy somehow and rolling her leaves, but her green and growth matches the others, so I ignore it.
The plants received nothing this week, except naturally falling rain water. I have some plant manure cooking, it should be ready in 10-14 days. The garden is full of sweet peas, so i am using those.
I also made some compost tea, which I will give the plants tomorrow morning. If there is interest, I will cover my next batch of manure/tea with some pictures.
The Passion #1 look like they have bounced back from the topping. In one or two weeks I will top them again.
Last week had 3 days of rain and 4 days with sun. I fed the compost tea, as mentioned in my last post last saturday. It seemed they liked it, growth did accelerate a little over the last week, but that could just be the sunnier weather.
I started to train the Passion into shape. Number 7 was the furthest along, so i topped her a second time.
Two of the ICE are either a small pheno or didn't like the transition/point in time of transition into the garden.
All plants are healthy and within normal parameters, afaik.
The plant manure is still cooking. I will make a new batch of compost tea next week and cover it here.
Happy growing everyone!
late update this week:
The weather last week was mixed: 4 days of rain and 3 days of sun until friday (day 42).
I topped the other two Passion and the are doing fine. Although number 4 is growing slower, than the rest and number 7 seemed to have taken best to the cutting.
The plants received nothing this week, except rain water. Next week they will get some compost tea and maybe a topping of guano for the autos.
First: I did not get to make compost tea this week, due to the bad weather.
It was rainy, with local storms and very heavy, but short rain falls. Only had half a day or so of full sunshine.
The Passion #1 are comming along differently. While no. 7 is thriving, no.4 is having difficulties and much smaller. No. 1 is in the middle of those two. I adjusted their wire bindings
The ICE went into their flowering stretch and shot up 10-15 cm over the week. And while there are trichromes, it does not do it's name justice so far.
The Cream are the furthest along. No. 8 is tiny, but looking, like she will be ready before 70 days have passed. I might be wrong of course, but she already has so many trichromes and a nice smell to her. No. 9 is comparable in size to the ICE, but also further along than them.
In the overview, the size differences are clearly visible.
Hoping for more sun this week, happy growing everyone!
Made compost tea last week and documented it. Since I am still new to the whole bio experience, any input and or experiences are appreciated on the matter.
The weather was 3 days of rain, 2 cloudy days and 2 days of sun.
The plants are comming along nicely. I gave some guano to the autos and some horse manure to the Passion #1 and watered it in with horsetail extract. No. 7 seems to really like her spot and conditions and has the potential to become pretty big. Still many "ifs" to overcome until then though. I put up a net to better guide the plant and to help carry itself later in flowering.
I did some light defoliation on the autos, on the insides of the plants.
Happy growing everyone!
The weather has been better: 3 days with no rain and the other days had at least a couple of hours of sun, more or less.
We fed compost tea on day 61, other than that mother nature provided rain during the week.
I put up netting for the other two Passion #1 (1+4). It is not pretty, but useful, both have taken well to the LST. The pictures on day 66 show it. Number 4 is finally comming along, although number 7 is still far ahead.
The ICE are still filling in. I hope they are ready by mid July, because I plan to go on vacation and wanna harvest before then. They are producing resin, but I am not impressed yet.
The Cream are going to be ready by mid July for sure. Number 8 is already showing up to 20% amber triches, depending on where you look. I might harvest the main bud next week and let the sides sit for another week or so. Number 9 will need 2 more weeks at least, from what I can tell. I havent even ckecked her triches so far.
Defoliated all autos some more and took of the lowest shoots on the Passion.
Addendum: unfortunately the time lapse on my security cam bugged out and I had to start a new one. I hope, this one will record until October...
The first half of last week, the weather was sunnier, at least not as rainy as the last 3 days.
The plants received nothing this week, except rain water.
The ICE auto had an impressive week. They filled in the buds nicely and produced a good amount of resin. I looked at their triches and they are still cloudy, only a single amber one here and there. some are still clear, so I estimate 3-4 weeks until their harvest.
The Cream auto are still not there yet. The tiny number 8 has progressed slightely (maybe this week?...). Number 9 is also ripening and showing more and more amber trichromes. I will harvest at 20-30% amber triches.
The Passion are growing fast. I screwed up and left the bindings holding them down to tight and the stems of 4 and 7 split. Now i have to hold them up until they grow back together. This is the first time, I accidentally split the stem and I am keeping a close eye on the situation. I figure, they will probably just grow back together and make a thick scar.
Happy growing everyone!
Still to much rain. The past week was mixed again and way to wet for this time of the year.
The Passion are growing at a satisfying rate. No sign of preflower yet. They got a topping of horse manure this week.
The Cream are nearly ready. Number 8 is done, I am harvetsing her tonight. Number 9 will need a couple of more days.
The ICE are continuing to impress. They are still packing on weight and triches. Probably 2 more weeks until harvest.
We are in flowering now , and the Passion #1 (no 1 and 7) are showing signs of preflowering. I am hoping for a nice flowering stretch in the comming weeks.
The weather is still way to wet. I did not have to water the plants and did not feed anything.
Both Cream have been cut now. I will upload the details as soon as I have them all (aka cured them a little). Only this much: the buds are not pretty, but potent. They are fluffy and small, but full of trichromes.
The ICE are suffering from all the rain. I found some budrot and cut it off. We supposedly have 3-4 sunny days ahead, which I want to use. I will cut them before the next rainy period. The ICE are all meant to become hash, so I would have preferred to leave them a bit longer. They all got heavily defoliated, you can see the clippings on the ground in the overview.
As I mentioned, the Passion #1 are in preflowering, at least number 1 and 7. Number 4 is not showing any white pistils so far. The split stems on 7 and 4 did not impact the plants as far as I can tell, they are healing and I have removed the support for the split on number 7and also the net, I used to open the canope. 6/8 main shoots on number 7 got gently fixed another 10-15 cm away from the center, to further open the plant up for air and light. Most of the lowest developing branches and a few fan leafs got clipped.
I am 2 days late with my update. My summer vacation starts soon and I am always very busy right before...
I harvested the ICE automatics to save them from 3 rainy days. Post will follow.
The 3 Passion are all in preflower now. Number 4 started to show in the beginning of the week. I fed horse manure for the last time, will switch to chicken and guano now.
I am still hoping for a flowering stretch, but I think, only number 4 (sativa pheno) will stretch significantly. Numbers 1 and 7 are the indica pheno, started to flower a week earlier and will not stretch as much, if other grower's reports are any indication.
This will probably be my last update until mid-end August. Have a nice summer everyone!
-height number 1: 140 cm
-height number 4: 110 cm
-height number 7: 150 cm
We chose the strain for it's dense trichrome production and hash making qualities.
The Nirvana ICE automatic strain did not dissapoint. Germination and initial development, were within expected parameters.
Due to slight timing issues on my behalf, the plants got put outside a little late for their stage of development at that point. The pots were a little to small and I did not acclimate them to the sun slowly, instead just put them out. So the strain definitely has some stress resistance, 3 of 4 plants did not show any signs of stress as far as I could tell. Then there was the bud rotting. Usually our June/July is not that wet. I only had to water them 3 or 4 times total. So I guess this strain would have difficulties ripening in a wet fall. We will see, we put 4 more seeds to germinate.
The plants started to produce trichromes a little later, compared to other auto strains, but yielded much better. They also more than compensated for their late start by producing loads of trichcromes.
I probably harvested a little early, but the wet weather already made me loose 10% to bud rot.
All in all a nice plant, which I did not max out. Pretty easy to grow, but then again almost all automatics are...
Will update, when we made the hash.
For my final thoughts on growing the strain see the review above.
I will put the report on our bubble hash production in this space. Probably some time around the end of August.
Also everything regarding taste will be put here.
Got them as bonus seeds with another order. Grew them outside from May until July, 3 very rainy months that year. 12C at night and 32C during day withstood the plants without issue. Well maybe one issue.
One of the plants was the tiniest I have ever grown, superfast to. Ready for harvest 75 days after germination. I am not sure, wether there is a dwarf pheno or if it were my personal inadequacies, that resultet in the tiny plant.
The dried product is fluffy and looks unattractive. Macro pictures however reveal a dense trichrome structure and the high is decent, mostly cerebral. Taste and smell are smooth, low key, with citrus notes.
All in all the plants did pretty well in the provided weather conditions. 7/10 would grow again, but indoor.
Cream automatic yields:
14g from number 8
55g from number 9
Harvested on day 81 (8) and 83 (9). Number 9 could have used another week, but it was so rainy, I decided to harvest a little early.
The bud curing machine will be reviewed by me, but not before I had a chance to use it on my October harvest with some fresh (and hopefully much bigger) buds. Just wanted to see, what it does to dried, uncured bud, since it is advertised for use on dried and fresh bud. Fluffy buds like these dont work well.
If any questions arise, I will be happy to answer them.
I have been away from the plants for 4 weeks and have sampled many of the cannabis available in the north-eastern US.
The plants have been watered by me from afar by using a Rainpoint watering system in combination with the Gardena dripper and a reolink camera. It was very hot and dry while I was away and I had to additionally water 1-2 hours (4l/hour per plant) each day, on top of the 16l/day the Passion got already.
The plants have not been fed while I was away, so they all got a double load (two good handful) of bat guano. I also watered the wider area around the plant maually with 40 liters of water, because the dripper only covers a very small area.
This is also the reason, that the hastily planted autos, I put in the empty spots before my departure, did not do well. I just wanted to fill the empty spots, I had and see, what would come of it. You can see them in the overview, I will maybe do a harvest and smoke report on them separately, if anything worthwhile becomes of them. I also put 3 plants, only a week old, in 3 pots I filled with cheap soil from the gardening center. 1 died and 2 did not do well at all. The potted plants are on the same dripper system with the other autos in the ground soil, which held the moisture ALOT better, than the pot soil.
3 of the autos in the ground, that did ok-ish, are from a batch of seeds I bought in a scammy seed shop in the touristy part of Amsterdam. They had all sorts of strains on display, the packaging's only difference being a sticker with the strain on it. So I asked for Gorilla Cookies auto and the guy picked up a phone and asked someone to "bring down" the Gorilla Cookie strain. 2 Minutes later the probably freshly printed "Gorilla Cookie auto" were handed to me. I should have asked for a complete fantasy strain...
Last week had a few very hot days and was all in all again pretty dry.
The plants have seized growing in height and continue to develop their flowers. They seemed a little hungry, so I top-dressed with chicken manure.
I am still not sure up to which level I wanna defoliate. Any opinions are appreciated on the matter.
Happy growing everryone!
The plants are comming along nicely. They got some horsetail extract in the past 2 weeks, nothing else. I will top dress with a handful guano the comming days.
The sativa pheno seems to be the furthest aong in terms of trichromes. We will see, when we start looking at the trichromes with a microscope soon.
Numbers 1 and 7, the indica phenos, are similar. Only number 1 is lagging behind 7-10 days.
All plants started to receede from their bigger lower fan leaves. I keep picking them of as they turn yellow.
Happy growing everyone!
Plants are looking great man
Fingers crossed for good weather 🤞🤞
Im still in vegative phase here and don't know what to expect from this summer 😄
If I can give u any advice first one would be to double check everything for budrot. It spreads very easily and u always notice it too late because it works its way from inside to outside 😒😔
2nd advice is to make some shelter if u know it's gonna be shitty weather. 1 rain will not destroy your crop but continuous bad weather, humid conditions and cold temperatures will.
Happy growing buddy 🙏🤜
@Clutch, Thx mate, I will double check! Your advice is highly appreciated, since I am an outdoor newbie.
I may come back to the shelter idea this fall. The ICE are now harvestable without to much loss, so I'd rather start a new batch, than fiddle with this one. Also: I am very eager to test my new bubble bags!
Wow your soil must be pretty rich in nutrients. The plants look super healthy. What camera are you using for the close-ups? Good luck with your first legal grow✌️
@BudBeezy, Thanks mate! We invested some work in the soil before we put the plants in. My first post shows what we did. Also I already fed guano, horse manure and compost tea since they got put outside.
As a camera I just use my phone (Pixel 7). For the makros I got some cheap usb microscope from amazon, it connects to my phone.
Well done Germany 👏👏👏
Hopefully your neighbour country with the same flag colors follows quickly but I doubt it
Gonna follow along with your grow too.
It's a very nice spot u have chosen 😉
Looking fantastic man wow 😍😁
For defoliation I would just say to pick away all bad leaves that u see or the ones that get used by the plant. If u pick them away like every 2 weeks the plants can still use them as food and u pick them away at the right time before they can spread diseases but while they still had a good purpose for the plant
Hope u get some good results from those monsters 💪
Happy growing 🙏
@Clutch, Thank you! And also for the advice! That is what I was doing so far. I'll just keep at it. I have been pruning away most of the inner lower shoots and some of the leafs, that shaded the upper buds. Just like I do it indoor. Fingers crossed for a dry fall.
Good luck everything looking amazing , personally I would've just made the holes and fill them up with pro mix special for weed and plenty of Vermiculite ,usually the direct earth is not so good for them (autos') but as you did it looks sweet and organic ,loving it ! Happy growing , GG Germany so happy for ya'll, a whole chapter of exploring begins
@Boomer911, Thank you! I thought about putting fresh soil in the holes, but that would have meant getting roughly 3,5 cbm of soil, thats 3 trips with my small trailer. Also I would have needed to make a home for the 3,5 cbm of soil I am replacing. The plan is to steadily improve the soil we have. We will mulch eventually, that should help.
Witzig, wie deine Cream ungefähr so viel yield hatte wie meine. Und deine wächst auch so sonderbar.. Deshalb vielleicht ein geschenkter Samen, weil das öfter vorkommt? Naja, gute Trichomen Ausbeute definitiv! Bei mir ist fast kein Aroma würd ich sagen, wenn dann leicht fruchtig