I gave them new Pots 4 Weeks ago, 80 litres ( 20 Litres of Alpaca Manure on 60l soil.
They look like they liked it.
They Do Si Dos is close to 3meters tall.
The Hindu got Bushy and is 2,60.
The Wedding looking not good since a month, it got a black mold on the stem i tried to get rid of.
The top is looking like it would flower but nothing goes on.
I hope they start Flowering soon, because they had bad Weather all over the Summer and they Autumn not will look better.
happy harvest my friend, thank you for using our product, and for rating it
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maybe for your next grow?
they are hungry now, if my outdoor ladies look like this iam feeding them everyday with lower dosages, then they are soon back to beautiful green
its floweringtome soon, this costs a lot of energy
thy for showing them