
First Run: Critical Lemon CBD Auto

23 days ago
Grow Conditions
Week 10
12 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
1+ nutrients after
Commented by
MrHappyCat MrHappyCat
a month ago
Week 10 I don't expect this to be a full week, we are in the close. Some buds pistils are full change and from what I can see trichomes are cloudy. Main buds still have a little way to go. Day 71 18/06 That's right I'm still feeding her. All my reading is pointing to a flush not really changing things and as she has had a few missed feeding lets go hard to the end. I have dropped her water temp and I'm thinking to throw a couple of cold packs into the tent (if needed the temp has dropped in general here.) Senescence (apparently named the fade and the reason I couldn't find data on it) continues lower leaves slowly yellow, dry and fall off I clean her up a little each feed. Will probably remove the net tomorrow to start preparing for Harvest. Day 73 20/06 Still going, the humidity here is stuck insanely high so hopeing for the best. aside from that more pistils darkening no sign of amber trichomes yet my phones camera is still awful but I will ask to borrow my partners. Day 75 22/06 Sooo this is fastest ready time for this strain, we aren't far off but my estimate of this being done this week? nah its still going to need some more time, I got to borrow my partners phone, though no pics from it(shes worried that her work will see, so i tired my best with mine) We have white trichomes and clear no amber, im going to aim for the start of amber developement to get that full range and to make sure as mny of the trichomes are atleast developed first. Day 77 24/06 Still going still nothing by way of Amber Trichomes Not sure I'll bother with pics of today(I folded) as its just a bit more of the fade a little little whiter on the buds from frost not mold thank the gods. Humidity is still high. Lesson learnt this week oh my god is this part hard to wait for, come on I want to get you dry so I can start the cure and my next grow.
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ChefDan420week 11
Sexy bitch 💃🏼
@ChefDan420, Cheers man, she is indeed :D
Boogie_Growsweek 4
looks good, I'm currently growing this also. is it a slow flowering strain? im at day 40 and not even a single white hair. its like its just frozen in time.
@Boogie_Grows, Hey man, aye I've been keeping an eye on yours to see how its going as not many seem to grow it. This grow has felt a lot like it gives little signals while slowly building up in the background before it takes its next step. I had a lot of the grow sites getting really light but no flowers, till it flipped and all sites had plenty in under a week. (either that or my out of practice arse missed things 😅)